No title - ID S0144
Author | Bond, Henry, M.D. |
Publication information | Little, Brown & Company, Boston |
Records not imported into SOUR (source) Gramps ID S0144:
Line ignored as not understood Line 668616: 1 VOL 2
Line ignored as not understood Line 668617: 1 EDTN 1855
- Jackson, Mary
- Birth, Woodward, Sarah
- Kendall, Samuel, DD, Rev
- Jackson, Rhoda
- Jackson, Lois
- Mills, Martha
- Christening, Child, Jonas
- Jackson, Esther
- Marriage, Family of Hagar, Nathan and Bigelow, Anna
- Knapp, Mary
- Warren, John
- Bigelow, Joshua Jr.
- Birth, Smith, James
- Marriage, Family of Smith, James and Mills, Martha
- Death, Drake, Isabella
- Jackson, Samuel
- Birth, Hagar, Nathan
- Woodward, Abigail
- Child, Jonas
- Baptist
- Hagar, Nathan
- Jackson, Ann
- Smith, Thomas
- Marriage, Family of Smith, Thomas and Knapp, Mary
- Woodward, Sarah
- Birth, Bigelow, Joshua Jr.
- Drake, Isabella
- Smith, James
- Woodward, Lois
- Bigelow, Anna
- Jackson, Antipas
- Jackson, Samuel