Barrows, Samantha

Birth Name Barrows, Samantha
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Barrows, Harvey
Mother Beckler, Hannah
    Brother     Barrows, George Henry 1833-07-14
    Sister     Barrows, Elizabeth
    Sister     Barrows, Hannah
    Sister     Barrows, Sabrina
    Brother     Barrows, James Hooper 1831-12-21 1909
         Barrows, Samantha
    Sister     Barrows, Abby Francis


    Family of Bottles and Barrows, Samantha
Unknown Partner Bottles ( * + ... )


  1. Barrows, Harvey
    1. Beckler, Hannah
      1. Barrows, Elizabeth
      2. Barrows, Hannah
      3. Barrows, Sabrina
      4. Barrows, Samantha
        1. Bottles
      5. Barrows, Abby Francis
      6. Barrows, James Hooper
      7. Barrows, George Henry
