Delano, Sarah

Birth Name Delano, Sarah
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Delano, Samuel16591728-08-09
Mother Standish, Elizabeth16701731
    Brother     Delano, Samuel about 1683 1739
    Sister     Delano, Elizabeth after 1683 before 1728-09-28
    Brother     Delano, Jesse after 1683 1758-08-08
    Sister     Delano, Priscilla after 1683 after 1728-09-28
    Sister     Delano, Rebecca after 1683 1774-09-06
    Sister     Delano, Sarah after 1683
    Sister     Delano, Jane about 1685 1765-04-07
    Brother     Delano, Hazadiah about 1691 1770-12-07
    Sister     Delano, Mary about 1691 1771-03-07
         Delano, Sarah


    Family of Simmons, Joshua and Delano, Sarah
Married Husband Simmons, Joshua ( * 1688 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage 1728-04-04 Duxbury, Plymouth, MA  


  1. Delano, Samuel
    1. Standish, Elizabeth
      1. Delano, Sarah
        1. Simmons, Joshua
      2. Delano, Samuel
      3. Delano, Sarah
      4. Delano, Jesse
      5. Delano, Rebecca
      6. Delano, Priscilla
      7. Delano, Elizabeth
      8. Delano, Jane
      9. Delano, Hazadiah
      10. Delano, Mary
