Mullins, William

Birth Name Mullins, William
Gender male
Age at Death about 49 years, 2 months, 2 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth about 1572 probably Dorking, Surrey, England  
Death 1620/1-02-21 (Julian) Plymouth, Plymouth, MA  


    Family of Mullins, William and , Alice
Unknown Partner , Alice ( * 1574 + after 1621-04-05 )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Mullins, Sarah1598/15991614-10-17
Mullins, William1596
Mullins, Priscilla16011680
Mullins, Joseph16021621


William Mullins does not have any Molyneaux ancestors--one ofthe most common (and most absurd when you examine the"evidence") claims in all of Mayflower genealogy. He has noproven royal ancestry, no proven Huguenot ancestors, and thenames of his parents have never been proven (though John Mullynsand Joane Bridger of Dorking seem to be the best candidates).[Mayflower Descendant 44:41] The following is extracted from "Families of the Pilgrims - JohnAlden and William Mullins" published in 1986 by theMassachusetts Society of Mayflower DescendantsWILLIAM MULLINSThe family of William Mullins, known descendants of whichsurvive today only through the children of daughter Priscilla,came with high expectations and met tragedy in the New World."Mr. Willaim Mullines, and his wife; and 2 children Joseph &priscila and a servant Robert Carter" sailed on the Mayflower."Mr. Molines, and his wife, his sone, and his servant dyed thefirst winter. Only his daughter priscila survived, and mariedwith John Alden, who are both living [in 1650], and have 11children." Nathaniel Morton, in his "New Englands Memorial", said ofMullins, "[He was] a man pious and well deserving, endowed alsowith a considerable outward estate, and had it been the will ofGod that he had survived, might have proved an useful member ofthis place." The noncupative (oral) will of William Mullins,written by Governor Carver on February 21, 1620/1 and witnessedby Carver, Giles Heale, and Christopher Jones (the latter weresurgeon and captain of the Mayflower) was the first made in NewEngland. A copy was carried by the Mayflower on her returnvoyage to England in 1621 and was administered there by hisother daughter, Sarah (Mullins) Blunden. The will names hiswife, Alice, sons Joseph and William, and daughter Priscilla;and the administration states he was "late of Dorking, co.Surrey, deceased in parts beyond the seas." Mullins had beenresiding in Stoke, near Guildford, county Surrey, before leavingEngland and was involved in the religious troubles of the timesthere. He owned nine shares in the Adventurer's Company thatfinanced the Pilgrim's colony.Mullins's eldest son, William Jr., was the father of threechildren baptized in Dorking: Elizabeth, baptised 26 Mar 1618;Ruth, baptised 31 Oct 1619; and Sara, baptised 5 May 1622. Saraaccompanied her father to New England when he later came toclaim his inheritance (he died in Braintree in early 1674). Shemarried three times but apparently had no children.Before William Mullins died in February 1621, he made a willwhicharrived safely in England; administration of his estate wasgranted tohis married daughter, Sara Blunden. The registered copy readsasfollows:"In the name of God Amen; I comit my soule to God that gave itand mybodie to the earth from whence it came Alsoe I give my goods asfolloweth That fforty pounds which is in the hand of goodmanWoods Igive my wife tenn poundes, my sonne John tenn pounds, mydaughterPriscilla tenn pounds, and my eldest sonne tenn pounds Alsoe Igive tomy eldest sonne all my debts bonds, bills (one only of fortypoundsexcepted in the hands of goodman Wood) given as aforesaid, withall thestock in his owne hands To my eldest daughter I give tenshillings to bepaied out of my sonnes stock Furthermore that goodes I have inVirginiaas followeth To my wife Alice halfe my goods and to Joseph andPriscillathe other halfe equallie to be devided betweene them Alsoe Ihave XXIdozen of shoes, and thirteene paire of bootes which I give intotheCompanies hands for fforty pounds at seven yeares and if theylike themat that rate If it be thought to deare as my Overseers shallthink goodAnd if they like them at that rate at the Divident I shall havenineshares wherof I give as followeth twoe to my wife, twoe to mysonneWilliam, twoe to my sonne Joseph, twoe to my daughter Priscillaand oneto the Companie Allsoe if my sonne William will come to VirginiaI givehim my share of land furdermore I give to my two Overseers Mr.JohnCarver, and Mr. Williamson, twentye shillings a peece to seethis myWill performed desiringethem that he would have an eye over mywife andchildren to be as fathers and friends to them, Allsoe to have aspecialleye to my man Robert which hathe not so approved himselfe as Iwould heshould have done. This is a Copye of Mr. Mullens his Will ofallparticulars he hath given. In witnes whereof I have sett myhande JohnCarver, Giles Heale, Christofer Joanes."Vicesimo tertio : die mensis Julii Anno Domini Millesimosexcentesimo vicesimo primo Emanavit Commissio Sare Blunden alsMullins filie naturali et legitime dicti defuncti adadministrand bona iura et credita eiusdem defuncti iuxta tenoremet effectum testamenti suprascripti eo quod nullum in eodemtestamento nominavit executorem de bene ect Jurat. 68, Dale. [TRANSLATION OF THE LATIN]: In the month of July Anno Domini1621. On the 23d day issued a commission to Sarah Blunden,formerly Mullins, nartural and legitimate daughter of WilliamMullins, late of Dorking in the County of Surrey, but deceasedin parts beyond the seas, seized &c., for administering thegoods, rights and credits of the said deceased, according to thetenor and effect of the will of the said deceased because inthat will he named no executor. In due form &c. swears. ===========================================================


Type Value Notes Sources
REFN 8990


    1. Mullins, William
      1. , Alice
        1. Mullins, Priscilla
        2. Mullins, William
        3. Mullins, Sarah
        4. Mullins, Joseph