Hitchcock, Hannah
Birth Name | Hitchcock, Hannah |
Gender | female |
Relation to main person | Name | Birth date | Death date | Relation within this family (if not by birth) |
Father | Hitchcock, John | 1642-09-22 | 1711/2-02-09 (Julian) | |
Mother | Chapin, Hannah | before 1644-12-02 | 1719-05-21 | |
Brother | Hitchcock, Nathaniel | 1677-08-28 | 1765-08-27 | |
Hitchcock, Hannah |
  |   | Family of Parsons, Samuel and Hitchcock, Hannah |
Unknown | Partner | Parsons, Samuel ( * + ... ) |
Hitchcock, John
Chapin, Hannah
- Hitchcock, Hannah
- Hitchcock, Nathaniel
Chapin, Hannah