Ross, Samuel

Birth Name Ross, Samuel
Gender male


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
    Brother     Ross, John UNKNOWN
         Ross, Samuel
    Brother     Ross, Walter UNKNOWN


    Family of Ross, Samuel and Hutchinson, Amy
Unknown Partner Hutchinson, Amy ( * 1802 + ... )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Ross, Mellen
Ross, Alex
Ross, Ellen V.
Ross, Lavina EmmonsUNKNOWN
Ross, Susan J.UNKNOWN
Ross, Samuel1820
Ross, Elias Captain1827UNKNOWN
Ross, Luther1836UNKNOWN
Ross, Edward18391916
Ross, George B.18441882


Samuel Ross' homestead was near the house of Clara Ross--SouthRoad--it burned some years ago. This is the Sam Ross whotaught James Monroe Hamilton how to run a store--the store onHamilton Landing became Hamilton & Co.


    1. Ross, Samuel
      1. Hutchinson, Amy
        1. Ross, Alex
        2. Ross, Ellen V.
        3. Ross, Lavina Emmons
        4. Ross, Mellen
        5. Ross, Susan J.
        6. Ross, Samuel
        7. Ross, Elias Captain
        8. Ross, Luther
        9. Ross, Edward
        10. Ross, George B.
    2. Ross, John
    3. Ross, Walter
