"They were recieved to full communion in the church April 25,1756. His name appears in a roll of soldiers who enlisted inWells, Me. May 19, 1777, and served 2 months and 16 days at R.I.in Moultons co. of Col. J Titcomb's regt". Served the sameamount of time as his son Samuel"He recieved tracts of land inWells from his father in 1753 and 1761. "Widow Dorcas Chaneydied of Palsy Jan. 9, 1817, aged 84 years" WILL OF JOSEPH CHENEYof Wells Maine ,yeoman (YCP 19:410) Being weak in body, To mywife Dorcas Cheney, my 1/2 of the dwl house I now live in forher sole u&i during her nat life; 1/2 of my homestead and 1/2 ofall my other lands for her U&I dur her nat life; all my h/hfurniture with all my cows and sheep. To my son Samuel Cheney,all my homestead in Wells with all my outlands;my 1/2 of thedwelling house and the whole of the barn;the residue of mystock. If my 2 daughters Dorothy and Abigail should remainsingle after the dec of their mother Dorcas Cheney,Iwill thatthey have the u&i of the back room in part of the house; alsothe bedroom in the N end of sd house and the privilege of 1/2the kitchen and the whole chamber over the kitchen; also the u&iof 2a of land lying in the orchard fieldadj land of SamuelCurtis to hold to them dur their nat lives or as long as theyshall remain single. To my so Eliphalet Cheney, $1 within6months aft my dec. To the heirs of my son Daniel Cheney decd,$1within 6m aft my dec. To my son Joseph Cheney jun,$1 within 6maft my dec. To my son BENJAMIN (OUR LINE) , $1 within 6m aft mydec. To my so James Cheney,$1 within 6m of my dec.To my son JohnCheney,$1 within 6m of my dec.To my dau. Sarah Boston,$1 within6m aft my dec.To my dau Mercy Boston,$1 within 6m after mydec.To my dau Dorcas Boston,$1 within 6m aft my des.To my dausDorothy and Abigail,$1 each within 6m aft my dec. To my soSamuel Cheney, all the residue of my RE and PE.Appt my sonSamuel Cheney sole exer. Dated 13 Dec. 1803.Signed with hissignature. Witnesses:Samuel Curtis,Jerem Hubbard, JosephWheelwright In Probate: 16 Jan 1804