SOURCE:A GENEALOGICAL DICTIONARYof THE FIRST SETTLERS OF NEW ENGLAND,SHOWING THREE GENERATIONSOF THOSE WHO CAME BEFORE MAY, 1692,ON THE BASIS OF FARMER'S REGISTER.BY JAMES SAVAGE,FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY ANDEDITOR OFWINTHROP'S HISTORY OF NEW ENGLAND.WITH TWO SUPPLEMENTS IN FOURVOLUMES.[[Corrected electronic version copyright Robert Kraft, July1994]]Vol. 3, pp. 99 & 100., ANTHONY, Wells, s. of Edmund, took the o. Mass. 1653. DANIEL, Wells, m. Mary, d. of capt. Roger Hill,and[[100]]num. descend. prosper there. EBENEZER, Newton, s. of John, by w.Lydia had Jemima, b. 19 Aug. 1697; Ezra, Mar. 1699, d. young;Ebenezer, 2 May 1701, liv. very long; Pelatiah, 12 Oct. 1703;Lydia,15 Feb. 1706; Jerusha, 15 Apr. 1708; Praisever, 5 Mar. 1710;Susanna,and Ephraim, tw. 21 Nov. 1712; and Sybil, 1 Nov. 1714; hisw. d. 12 Oct. 1717, and he d. 9 Apr. or by ano. acco. Jan. 1728.EDMUND, Exeter 1639, rem. to Wells in or bef. 1645, was there aman of distinct. as commiss. with Ezekiel Knight and ThomasWheelwright,is call. "old Edmund L." d. 11 Dec. 1661, by his will ofthat date, gave good provis. to w. Ann, to eldest s. Francis,andother s. Anthony, Thomas, John, and youngest Francis, to ds.ElizabethWakefield, Mary Barrett, and Hannah L. His inv. show. 588, 13,4.The h. of Elizabeth was, I presume, John W. and of Mary was JohnB.FRANCIS, Wells, eldest s. of the preced. had been of Dover 1648,aleader in support of Mass. cause, rep. 1660, had tak. the o.1653, WithFrancis, jr. Anthony, and Thomas, prob. his s. as may have beenJohn.His d. Sarah m. John Wells, wh. came from Ipswich. A verycuriousstory is told, that the parents of this man, in Eng. of wh. hewas theeldest s. suppos. him d. as they in many yrs. heard not of him,call. ano.s. by the same name, wh. came over to Wells, in the time alittle bef.the Commissnrs. of Mass. 1668, reinstated affairs, and they madehiman officer. Of the value of the tradit. I judge not, but referto MaineHist. Coll. 1. 262; Hubbard, 600; and Hutch. L 266. FRANCIS,Woburn,had Mary, b. 14 Dec. 1646: and his w. Jane d. 6 days aft. JOHN,Dedham 1650, by w. Mary had Rebecca, b. 26 Mar. 1661;Experience,7 or 17 Dec. 1659; John, 5 Oct. 1664; and Ebenezer, 13 Oct.1669;was freem. 1671, liv. in that part which was incorp. asWrentham. Hisw. d. 13 Jan. 1675, and he rem. JAMES, Wells, k. by the Ind. May1690. JOHN, Wells 1656, constable 1661, made a lieut. in 1668 bytheCommissnrs. who created Francis, jr. ensign; so that we mayreckonhim older, if a br. or superior in influence, if not. His d.Mary m.Matthew Austin. THOMAS, Dover 1648, aft. at Wells, sw. to 1653, was there still in 1680, to sw. alleg. to the k. In theBevis,from Southampton 1638, came Annis L. with six ch. she 38 yrs.old.