French, Clifford

Birth Name French, Clifford
Gender male


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father French, Edward1880-12-121960-09-21
Mother Dutton, Agnes1891-08-311960-09-21
    Brother     French, John William 1915-11-17 1918-10-09
    Brother     French, Walter 1921-12-11 DEC
    Sister     French, Earlene 1924-07-01 1958-09-24
    Sister     French, Bonnie
    Brother     French, Merrill DEC
         French, Clifford
    Sister     French, Iris


Clifford French applied for a marriage license to Myrtle Ball 30Dec 1933 at Elk Point, SD Book 25 Page 293. They did not marry.They were both 21 years old. She was from Decatur, NE.Clifford French applied for a marriage license to Myrtle Ball 30Dec 1933 at Elk Point, SD Book 25 Page 293. They did not marry.They were both 21 years old. She was from Decatur, NE


  1. French, Edward
    1. Dutton, Agnes
      1. French, Bonnie
      2. French, Clifford
      3. French, Iris
      4. French, Merrill
      5. French, John William
      6. French, Walter
      7. French, Earlene
