Soule, George Sr.

Birth Name Soule, George Sr.
Gender male
Age at Death less than 86 years, 1 month


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Occupation     Servant to Edward Winslow
Birth 1593 Eckington, Worcestershire, England  
Death before 1678/9-01-22 (Julian) Duxbury, Plymouth, MA  
Burial 1679/80-02-01 (Julian) Duxbury, Plymouth, MA  


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Soule, Robert15641612
Mother Tylson, Elizabeth
         Soule, George Sr. 1593 before 1678/9-01-22 (Julian)
    Brother     Soule, Thomas
    Brother     Soule, Walter
    Brother     Soule, William
    Sister     Soule, Jane
    Sister     Soule, Mary
    Brother     Soule, Myles


    Family of Soule, George Sr. and Becket, Mary BUCKET or
Married Wife Becket, Mary BUCKET or ( * 1593 + 1679-01-22 )
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage 1623    
Name Birth Date Death Date
Soule, Zachariah16271663-12-11
Soule, John16321707-11-14
Soule, Nathaniel16371699-10-12
Soule, George Jr.16391704-05-17
Soule, Susanna16421684
Soule, Mary16441720
Soule, Elizabeth16451700
Soule, Patience16481705/6-03-11 (Julian)
Soule, Benjamin16511676-03-26


r161:1:4:214: [27] 1652 BRADFORD GOVNRThese prsents Witnesseth That George Soule of Duxburrow hathcovenanted with Mr John Winslow of Plymouth That; Mary Soule hisDaughter shall Dwell abide and continew with him the said MrJohn Winslow the full tearme of seaven yeares begining from thefirst day of this prsent month called January and from the saidDay fully and compleatly to bee ended; And in case the said MarySoule Doe not change her condicon by marriage shee is to Dwelland abide with him the full tearme of eight yeares begining fromthe first of this prsent month as aforsaid and from thence fullyto bee ended acknowlidged before Captaine Thomas Willet asistantand by him appointe(worn) to bee Recorded Memorand the 15 thJanuary Thatr161:2:2:84 THE WILL AND INVENTORY OF GEORGE SOULE.Literally transcribed from the original records,BY GEORGE ERNEST BOWMAN.George Soule died at Duxbury, probably in the month of January,1680, since his inventory was taken 1 February, 1680 (newstyle). His wife died at Duxbury, in December 1676.The will and inventory were recorded in the Plymouth ColonyWills and Inventories, Volume IV, Part I, page 52.[p. 52] In the Name of God AmenI Gorge Soule senir of Duxberry in the Collonie of New Plymouthin New England being aged and weake of body but of a sound mindand Memory praised be God Doe make this my last Will andTestament in Manor and forme following Imprimis I comitt mysoule into the hands of Almighty God whoe Gave it and my body tobe Decently buried in the place appointed for that usewhensoever tree shall please to take mee hence; and for theDisposall of my outward estate which God of his Goodnes hathGiven mee first I have and already formerly by Deeds under myhand and seale Given unto my two sonnes Nathaniel: and Gorge Allmy lands in the Township of Dartmouth; Item I have formerlyGiven unto my Daughters Elizabeth and Patience all my lands inthe Township of Middleberry82 The Will and Inventory of George Soule Item I Give and bequeath unto my Daughters Sussannah and Marytwelve pence a peece to be payed by my executer heerafter Namedafter my Decease; And forasmuch as my Eldest son John Soule andhis family hath in my extreame old age and weaknes bin tenderand carefull of mee and very healpfull to mee; and is likely soeto be while it shall please God to continew my life heertherfore I give and bequeath unto my said son John Soule all theRemainder of my housing and lands whatsoever to him his heiresand Assignes for ever Item I Give and bequeath Unto my son JohnSoule all my Goods And Chattles whatsoever Item I Nominate Andappoint my son John Soule to be my sole Executor of this my lastWill and Testament; and lastly I Doe heerby make Null and voydeall other and former wills and Testaments by mee att Any timemade; and Declare this Instrument to be my last Will andTestament In Witnes wherof I the said Gorge Soule have heeruntosett my hand and seale this eleventh Day of Agust in the yeer ofour Lord one Thousand six hundred seaventy and seaven;Gorge Soule and a sealeThe above Named Gorge Soule Did signe seale and Deliver thisInstrument to be his Last Will and Testament in the prsenceof us Nathaniell Thomas The Marke D T of Deborah ThomasItem the twentyeth Day of September 1677 the above Named GorgeSoule Doe heerby further Declare that it is my will that if myson John Soule above named or his heires or Assignes or any ofthem shall att any time Disturbe my Daughter Patience or herheires or Assignes or any of them in peacable Posession orInjoyment of the lands I have Given her att Namassakett alliesMiddleberry and Recover the same from her or her heires orAssignes or any of them That then my Gift to my son John Souleshall shalbe voyd; and that then my will is my Daughter Patienceshall have all my lands att Duxburrey And shee shalbe my soleexecutrix of this my last Will and Testament And enter into myhousing lands and meddowes att Duxburrow, In Witnes wherof Ihave heerunto sett my hand and seale;Gorge Soule and A sealThe Will and Inventory of George Soule 83The above Named Gorge Soule Did Signe and seale to this additionin the prsence of us Nathaniell ThomasThe Marke D T of Deborah Thomas;[p. 51] An Inventory taken of the estate of the Late DeceasedGorge Soule of Duxburrow in his Maties Collonie of New Plymouthin New England this twenty second of January 1679 by EdwardSouthworth and Thomas Delano and exhibited to the Court of hisMatie holden att Plymouth the fift of March 1679: 80 on theoath of John SouleItem Dwelling house orchyard Barne and Upland 20 00 00 praisedattItem Meddow Land 05 10 00Item bed and beding and wearing Clothes 10 00 00Item a Gun 00 15 00Item bookes 01 00 00Item a Chest and Chaire 00 05 00Item 2 padre of Sheers a tramell and wedge 00 06 00Item to other old lumber 00 03 00Item by Debts Due to the estate 23 00 00; 40 19 00An Acompt of Debt Due Unto John Soule to be payed out of hisfathers estateAnno: 1674 Impr for plowing in one bushell of wheat & onebushel of pease00 06 02for reaping Rye and pease 00 7 00Item one Day plowing Greensword 00 05 00Item for plowing in weeding 00 02 00Item 2 Dayes and an half plowing in of Rye 00 08 06Item to Willam Clarke 00 00 09Item for Geting and bringing hom 3 load of hay 21 00 001675 Item for one Day plowing in of pease & two 00 07 06Days Reaping of Rye; Item 1 locke for a Barne Dore 00 01 06Item for Goods taken up att Edmun Mufords att 19 01Boston viz: 4 yards 2 l Carsey 5Item for 7 yards of penistone 2s 09 d pr yard 20 19 03Item for 0 yards of Canves att 1s 6 d pr yard 00 15 00Item for buttons and silke 00 01 12Item for blew linnine 20 02 02Item for thred browne Coullered 00 02 08Item for four yards of Red Cotton att 2s 6 d pr yard 00 0 2084 Scituate Births, Marriages and Deaths. Item for three hundred of shooe Nailes 00 01 02Item payed to Mr Mumford upon the old accoumpt 00 08 091676 for Drawing 13 load of Brush and hedging 00 05 00about a field; Item for plowing in of pease and wheat 2 Dayes 0008 00Item for Makeing a prteing fence between the orchyard 00 08 02Item for makeing stone wall about the orchyard 22 00 02Item for 12 yards of teicking of William Vobes 21 0 00Item for 20 yards of Canvis att 12 9d pr yard 01 15 00Item for Dowlis of Mr hetman 7 yards att 2 s 3 d 1 00 18 02pr yardItem for eight yards of Osenbrigg of mr Thomas 00 09 04att 1 s 2 d pr yardItem for serge for a padre of briches 00 10 00Item for one padre of sheets 00 10 02Item for Diett and tendance since my mother Died)which was three yeer the Last December except somesmale time my s ister Patience Dressed his victuallsItem for funerall charges 01 00 00See Mayflower Families through Five Generations, Vol 3, GeorgeSoule by General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 1980.Southworth Genealogy, S.G. Webber, 1905 - George Soule came inthe "Mayflower," was entered as a manservant to Edward Winslowand counted as belonging to his family. In 1623, he receivedin his own right an acre of land as the others. In 1627 hetook part in the division of cattle; in 1633 he was madefreeman of the colony, and was rated as 9s., corn 6s. perbushel. In 1637 he volunteered as private to go against thePequot Indians. In 1638 he moved to Duxbury. He was among theselectmen chosen in that town; was deputy to the General Courtin 1642, 1645, 1650, 1651, 1653, 1655; was put on the committeefor revision of the Colonial laws. He was also one of thesignors of the Mayflower Compact of 11 Nov 1620.Ancestral Summary:The parentage of George Soule remains unknown. Severalpublished ancestries have subsequently been disproven, such asthat in "TheEnglish Ancestry and Homes of the Pilgrim Fathers", by CharlesBanks, 1929.There are three George Soule baptisms listed in the I.G.I.parish register abstractions:* February 9, 1595, Tingrith, Bedford (son of William)* April 21, 1605, All Saints, Sudbury, Suffolk (son of Robert)* February 28, 1615, Flitwick, Bedford (son of George)__________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________The Tingrith, Bedford record should definitely be investigatedfurther. It should be noted that George Soule, Jr. named hissecond son William- - perhaps after his grandfather. The 1605and 1615 record are certainly not those of the Mayflowerpassenger, because George Soule would have been of legal agewhen he signed the Mayflower Compact in 1620.SOULE, GEORGE - A1620 Mayflower passenger, George Soule arrived as a servant toEdward Winslow. He became a Purchaser and was on the 1633 listof freeman. He moved to Duxbury and acquired considerableamounts of land in other places. Soule was a volunteer in thePequot War and in 1642 was a duputy for Duxbury. He married aMary, whose surname possibly was Becket. He died in 1679. Hiswill, dated 11 August 1677, with codicil 20 September 1677,proved 1679, named his sons Nathaniel, George, and John, andhis daughters Elizabeth, Patience, Susannah, and Mary. He alsohad sons Zachariah and Benjamin who predeceased him. MF 3, withits necessary Addendum, gives his first five generations. TheSoule family history compiled by Gideon T. Ridlon is notreliable.Source: Plymouth Colony Its History & People 1620-1691 by EugeneAubrey Stratton


  1. Soule, Robert
    1. Tylson, Elizabeth
      1. Soule, Thomas
      2. Soule, Walter
      3. Soule, William
      4. Soule, Jane
      5. Soule, Mary
      6. Soule, Myles
      7. Soule, George Sr.
        1. Becket, Mary BUCKET or
          1. Soule, Zachariah
          2. Soule, John
          3. Soule, Nathaniel
          4. Soule, George Jr.
          5. Soule, Susanna
          6. Soule, Mary
          7. Soule, Elizabeth
          8. Soule, Patience
          9. Soule, Benjamin


Source References

  1. Wakefield, Robert S.: No title - ID S0263