Nelson, Mary

Birth Name Nelson, Mary
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Nelson, Philip1634-01-221691-08-19
Mother Jewett, Sarah1635/6-01-03 (Julian)1665-12-17
    Brother     Nelson, Philip 1659-04-16 1721-12-04
         Nelson, Mary


    Family of Haseltine, John Jr. and Nelson, Mary
Married Husband Haseltine, John Jr. ( * 1642-06-08 + 1733-04-05 )
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage 1682-07-17 Ipswich, Essex, MA  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Haseltine, Philip1684-03-13
Haseltine, Sarah1688-04-281688-06-20
Haseltine, Mary1689-11-191760-10-27
Haseltine, Joseph1691-10-01
Haseltine, John1693-08-04
Haseltine, Benjamin1695-04-201695-08-31
Haseltine, Elizabeth1696-10-241731-03-05
Haseltine, Benjamin1704-01-22


Francis Sherrey's will from Essex County Probate Records,Vol.III 1683-1691. Page 101"Item I give unto my cousin Elisabeth the wife of John Williamsthe some of four pounds & to my cousin Mary nelson the some offive pounds to be paid them out of my estate by my wife as shemay be able to spare it."


  1. Nelson, Philip
    1. Jewett, Sarah
      1. Nelson, Mary
        1. Haseltine, John Jr.
          1. Haseltine, Philip
          2. Haseltine, Mary
          3. Haseltine, Sarah
          4. Haseltine, Joseph
          5. Haseltine, John
          6. Haseltine, Benjamin
          7. Haseltine, Elizabeth
          8. Haseltine, Benjamin
      2. Nelson, Philip
