John Quincy Adams sailed for Europe in 1778 with his father.There, in 1781, he entered Leyden University in Amsterdam, TheNetherlands, returning to the United States in 1785. Hegraduated from Harvard in 1787, and was admitted to the bar in1790. He political career began in 1794 when he was appointedMinister to The Netherlands. In 1796 his father, John Adams,was elected President. He was elected to the MassachusettsSenate in 1802, and in the following year to the United StatesSenate. John Quincy became Minister to Russia in 1809. Hesigned the Treaty of Ghent in 1814 which ended a long warbetween France and Russia, and also ended the War of 1812between England and the United States. He became Minister toGreat Britain in 1815, and was appointed as the Secretary ofState of the United States in 1817. Running as a FederalistJohn Quincy Adams sought the presidency in 1825. Neither he norJohn Calhoun had the necessary majority vote, so the electionwas up to the House of Representatives, who chose John QuincyAdams as the Sixth President of the United States. John Calhounserved as his Vice-President. His inauguration took place onMarch 4, 1825 in the Hall of the Representatives, Washington,D.C. After 1825 he chose to become a National Republican. Afterhis term as President, he was elected as Massachusettsrepresentative to Congress. John Quincy Adams was deeplyreligious and made it a point to read the entire Bible at leastonce each year, usually a few chapters each morning beforebreakfast. He read from English, French and German Bibles.After his memorial service, Henry Clay rode with his coffin fromWashington to Quincy, along with John C. Calhoun of SouthCarolina. A little-known congressman from Illinois, AbrahamLincoln, was in charge of the funeral arrangements.per Ances of Pres 6th US President.