BIRTH: AFN: 8FNP-78; LDS FHC; Sun City, AZ; obtained info fromPedigree Chart of Mary Woodward (AFN: LNHS-VB); copy in poss ofSally Rolls Pavia.!MARRIAGE: AFN: 8FNP-78; LDS FHC; Sun City, AZ.!IMMIGRATION: Sailed on the "Elizabeth" which left Ipswich,Essex, Eng on 10 Apr 1634, with their sons George and John; per"BOND'S GENEALOGIES AND HISTORY OF WATERTOWN" ("BOND'S" infuture references); supplied by David Dixon, Dallas, TX; partialcopy in poss of Sally Pavia.!OCCUPATION: Miller; per "WOODWARD DESCENDANTS" (DESCENDANTS OFRICHARD WOODWARD NEW ENGLAND 1589-1982); by Norma SlaterWoodward; info supplied by David Dixon, Dallas, TX; partial copyin poss of Sally Pavia.!RESIDENCE: per "WOODWARD DESCENDANTS;" after settlingimmediately in Watertown, MA, RichardWoodward was admitted as afreeman on 2 Sep 1635, and was listed as among the earliest ofthe proprietors. It notes that, by 1642, he had a "homestall oftwelve acres," in addition to being a grantee of nine additionalacres. It also says he had, by 1644, a total of 360 acres,which were in what is now Boston. Ten acres were transferred tohis son, George. Thirty-nine acres at Little Plain were sold toJohn Whitney (whose grandson would subsequently marry Richard'sgranddaughter.) On 8 Sep 1648,Richard Woodward, by then inBoston, purchased a Boston mill from a Holbrook family, sellingit to William Aspinwall on 26 Dec 1648. Land that he once ownedwas later to be Lot 42 of Stoney Brook. Watertown, the place ofsettlement in America for the Woodward's, is now a suburb to thenorthwest of Boston. Per "BOND'S," Richard Woodward admitted asa freeman on 2 Sep 1635, with his name listed on the earliestlist of proprietors in Watertown; info supplied by David Dixon,Dallas, TX; partial copy in poss of Sally Pavia.