No record of his birth, he and Dennett live near each other inLee, NH part of the time. His mother Sarah Dennett Waymouth wasof Portsmouth. She might have gone back to her mother to havethese two children. The death record of son Enoch says father ofPortsmouth, NH.26 July 1802 William Waymouth, late of Lee, NH ill examed. WW 17March 1798 in Lee, NH of Strafford, NH. He was a joiner. Livingin Lee, NH in 1766.A petition for the Town of Durham, NH was signed by over 100residents on 18 November 1765. Some of the signers are WilliamWeymouth, James Hall, John Giles, Israel Pandel, Francis Durgin,John Sanborn, Edward hill, Ebeb Randel, Joseph Clark, Eli Clark,Jr., Benjamin Bickford, Josiah Durgin, John Durgin, John Clarkand Eli Clark.Dover, NH Book 7, page 398:17 March 1798: I, William Weymouth of Lee in the County ofStrafford in the State of New Hampshire, Joiner, ebing weak ofbody but of sound mind and memory thanks be given to God,therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body knowing thatit is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain thismy last will and Testiment, that is to say principally and firstI reccomend my Soul to Almighty God who gave it unto me, and mybody I recommend to the earth to be burried in a decentChristian manner, at the descretion of my Executor, herein namesnothing doubting but at the General Resurection I shall receivethe same by the Almighty Power of God, and after my funeralcharges are defrayed, my just and honest debts payed, I Will anddispose of the remainder of my worldly estate, which the Lordhath been graciously pleased to give unto me in this life inmaner form following.I give to my wife Rachel Waymouth the 1/3 of my real Estate allmy household including bed and bedding during her remaining mywidow, then the household furniture to be equally dividedbetween my daughters Like wise all that I shall give to my sonRobert as long as she shal remain my widow or until he arrivesto age 21, she paying 1/2 of my debts, and the one half of whatI shall give to my children. Like wise one cow she keeping Enochand Robert, she having the privilege of the stock, which I shallleave to my son Robert until her marriage or until he is 21.I give to my son Samuel Waymouth $1.oo to be paid after mydec'd.I give to my son James $150. to be paid by my wife and Johnequally alike $50. of said sum to be paid in three years aftermy dec'd the other sum to be paid $50. yearly.I give to my son John 1/2 of my real estate also 1/2 of mypersonal estate also 1/2 of his Mothers after her dec'd exceptwhat part shall have otherwise disposed of in this my last will.I give to my son William $25. to be paid 6 years after my dec'd/I give to my son Enoch $150. the 1/2 in seven years after mydec'd anf the other 1/2 the year following.I give to son Robert 1/2 of real estate including his Mothersthird after her dec'd or when he is 21 also 1/2 of personalproperty which she has not disposed off in paying debts.No. 1 (daughters) I give to daughter Polly Waymouth one cow and$10. at he marriage and when she leaves my dwelling house.I give to daughter Abigail Waymouth same as no. 1.I give to daughter Sally Waymouth same as no. 1.I give to daughter Susanna same as no. 1.All this to be paid by my wife and Robert who is in her care andJohn. I appoint John Waymouth my Executor.William WeymouthRecorded agreeably to the original examed by Wm. Atkinson, Esq.26 day of July 1802 the last will of William Waymouth late ofLee dec'd.Lee, NH Book 7, Page 509. Inventory: Homestead situated in Leecontaining 125 acres of land with buildings thereon. Valued at$20. per acre. Total value $2754.77.Division of Land of Wm. Waymouth to John Waymouth. Beginning atstake standing by Samuel Chapmans Land thense south 57 & 1/2degrees West 83 rds to north river Road thence Easterly by said1/3 to said Chapmans land to stake. Also 1 acre and 35 sq. rodsof land on the westerly side of said road thence northerly bysaid road to the widdows third thence westerly by said third tothe bounds began at.And also 23 acres & 9 rods of land situate on the north side ofWardleys road beginning at the South West corner of the 3 rodson north side of said road, thence northerly by said thirds toJoseph Tuttles land thence westerly by said Tuttles land toGideon Mathers land to said road, thence easterly by said roadto the bounds 1st. began and also the south twelve feet of theBarn with a privilege in the yard also the south westerly 1stfloor chamber and Garrit of same and the north west bedroom andprivilege to ovens and 1/3 of cellar with privelage of dooryard.Strafford Court of Probate 8--509--1804Before the Hon. Ebenezer Smith Esq. 12 March 1804, Joseph Tuttlewas elected and allowed to be guardian unto Robert Waymouth ofLee Minor son of Wm. Waymouth late of said Lee dec'd intestatethe said minor being upwards of the age of 14 years, who gavebond in the sum of two thousand dollars with sureties to witGeo. Tuttle gentleman and Joseph S. Folsom trader both of Leeaforesaid for the faithfull discharge of that trust according tolaw. AttestWm. J. Atkinson Esq.April 6, 1799 Wm. Waymouth of Lee sold to Joseph Tuttle for$229.14 Rachel gave up her third.William WaymouthRachel Waymouth