Bosworth, Hezekiah Jr.

Birth Name Bosworth, Hezekiah Jr.
Gender male
Age at Death 73 years, 8 months, 20 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Burial   Hamilton, IL  
Birth 1807-01-21 Whitehall, Washington, NY  
Death 1880-10-10 Hamilton, IL  


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Bosworth, Hezekiah Sr.1778-03-061858-10-15
Mother Pearce, Huldah1781-11-201861-11-29
    Brother     Bosworth, Alva 1803-02-02 1848-04-13
    Sister     Bosworth, Huldah 1805-03-30
         Bosworth, Hezekiah Jr. 1807-01-21 1880-10-10
    Sister     Bosworth, Helen 1809-01-26
    Sister     Bosworth, Luna 1811-05-30
    Brother     Bosworth, Jabin 1818-04-14
    Brother     Bosworth, Stephen 1820-03-31
    Sister     Bosworth, Anna 1823-02-16
    Sister     Bosworth, Lucy J. 1823-02-16
    Brother     Bosworth, Elam Pearce 1825-08-13


    Family of Bosworth, Hezekiah Jr. and Learned, Emily Sophia
Married Wife Learned, Emily Sophia ( * + ... )
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage 1834-01-19 MEIGS, OH  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Bosworth, Marion
Bosworth, Eliza
Bosworth, Mary
Bosworth, David
Bosworth, Mial Pearce1837-01-271868-11-26
Bosworth, Aurelius Marcellus1837-01-281916-12-23


Hezekiah Bosworth, Jr., b. 1807: Hezekiah Bosworth, Jr. islisted, 12 Oct. 1830, on the Bedford Twp., Meigs Co., Ohioannual election poll records. Hezekiah, Jr. appears 27 Dec. 1832on the Orange Twp. Poll records.1840 Census, Orange Twp., Meigs, Ohio: Bosworth, Hezekiah, Jr.(30-40) Female (30-40) Female (10-15) Male (5-10) 2 Males ( 0- 5) Female ( 0- 5) Total: recordsays 6IGI, 1992, Ohio, p.5423: has marriage record, gives wife'ssurname as LARWELL.In later life, Hezekiah and Emily moved to Illinois, where theydied and are buried in the Bethel Cemetery, Hamilton Co., IL.


  1. Bosworth, Hezekiah Sr.
    1. Pearce, Huldah
      1. Bosworth, Alva
      2. Bosworth, Huldah
      3. Bosworth, Hezekiah Jr.
        1. Learned, Emily Sophia
          1. Bosworth, Marion
          2. Bosworth, Aurelius Marcellus
          3. Bosworth, Mial Pearce
          4. Bosworth, Eliza
          5. Bosworth, Mary
          6. Bosworth, David
      4. Bosworth, Helen
      5. Bosworth, Luna
      6. Bosworth, Jabin
      7. Bosworth, Stephen
      8. Bosworth, Anna
      9. Bosworth, Lucy J.
      10. Bosworth, Elam Pearce
