Arrived on the ship "Lion" with her parents.Mary (Perkins) Bradbury (documented on Sept. 9th in the trials)was tried for Witchcraft in 1692 (Salisbury, Mass.), was ably &courageously defended by Maj. Robert Pike, convicted but notexecuted. The papers pertaining to the case are of deepinterest, and show the high estimation in which she was held."Mary was the wife of Capt. Thomas Bradbury, a prominent citizenof Salisbury.On July 26, 1692 Mary Bradbury was brought before the court ofEssex in Massachusetts Bay in New England. "In the yeareaforesaid and divers other dayes and times as well before asafter Certaine Detestable arts called Witchcraft & SorceriesWickedly Matllitiously and felloniously hath used practiced andExercised At and int eh Township of Andivor in the County ofEssex aforesaid in upon & against one Timothy Swann of AndivorIn the County aforesaid Husbandman -- by which said Wicked Actsfthe said Timothy Swann upon the 26th day of July Aforesaid anddivers other days & times both before and after was and isTortured Afflicted Consumed Pined Wasted and Tormented, and alsofor Sundry other Acts of Witchcraft by the said Mary BardburyComitted and done before and since that time against the peaceof our Sov'r Lord & Lady the King and Queen theire Crowne anddignity And the forme Of the Statute In that case made andProvided."Wittness Mary WalcottAnn: Puttnam(Reverse) Indictm't vs Bradbury for Bewitching Swan bila vera(Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 p. 34)On July 2nd Mary Bradbury was charged with "certaine detestablearts called Witchcraft and Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously andfelloniously hath used practised and Exercised at and in theTowne of Salem...the said Sarah Vibber the second day of Julyaforesaid & divers other days and times both before and afterwas and is Tortured Afflicted Consumed Pined Wasted & Tormented& also for sundry other acts of Witchcraft by the said MaryBradbury Comitted Acted and done before and since that timeagainst the peace of our Sov'r Lord...."Witness Mary WalcottEliz. HobardEliz. BoothMercy Lewis(Reverse) Indictmt. Bradbury -- Vibber bil a vera(Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 p. (Answer of Mary Bradbury)"The Answer of Mary Bradbury in the charge of Witchcraft orfamilliarity with the Divell I doe plead not guilty.""I am wholly inocent of any such wickedness through the goodnessof god that have kept mee hitherto. I am the servant of JesusChrist & Have given my self up to himas my only lord & saviour:and to the dilligent attendance upon him in all his holyordinances, in utter contempt & defiance of the divell, and allhis works as horid & detestible;; and accordingly haveendevo'red to frame my life; & conversation according to therules of his holy word, & in that faith & practise resolve bythe help and assistance of god to contineu to my lifes end:"For the truth of what I say as to matter of practiss I humblyrefer my self, to my brethren & neighbors that know mee and untothe searcher of all hearts for the truth & uprightness of myheart therein: (human frailties, & unavoydable infirmitiesexcepted) of which I bitterly complayne every day:"Mary Bradbury(Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 p. 35)On May 26th 1692 those who made complaint against Mary Bradbury,Sarah Rice, Wilmott Reed, and Elizabeth Fosdick were: MaryWalcott, Ann Putnam, Marcy Lewis. "The same wtells them that seeafflicts mr Tufts Negro"attest *Geo Herrick Marshall(Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 p. 35)(Thomas Bradbury of Mary Bradbury)July 28, 1692"Concerning my beloved wife Mary Bradbury this is that I have tosay: wee have been maried fifty five yeare: and shee hath bin aloveing & faithful wife to mee, unto this day shee hath beenwonderfull laborious dilligent & industryous in her place andimployment, about the bringing up o'r family (w'ch have bineleven children of o'r owne, & fower grand-children; shee wasboth prudent, & provident: of a cheerful Spiritt liberallCharitable: Shee being now very aged & weake, & greived underher affliction may not bee able to speake much for herselfe, notbeing so free of Speach as some others may bee: I hope her lifeand conversation hat been such amongst her neighbours, as givesa better & more reall Testimoney of her, then can bee exprest bywords.own'd by mee *Tho: Bradbury(Reverse) Capt Bradberys testamony of his wif(Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 p. 36)(Summons for Witnesses)"Wm & Mary by the Grace of God of England Scotland France &Ireland King & Queen defend'rs of the faith & c.a"{LS} "To Thomas Ring of Amesbury or Salsbury Timothy Swann ofAndover Richard Carr & James Carr of Salsbury.Greeting Wee Comand you all Excuses Set apart to be andpersonaly appear at the next Court of Oyer & Terminer holden atSalem On Tuesday Next at Twelve of the Clock or as soon after aspossible There to Testify the truth on Severall Indictments tobe Exhibited against Mrs. Mary Bradbury & other prisoners to beTried for the horrible crime of Witchcraft, hereon Make returnfail not dated in Salem Sep'r 5'th 1692 & in the fourth year ofOur Reign"To the Sheriff of Essex or Constables of Andover HaverillSalsbury Amesbery, Bradford or Newbury.*Stephen Sewall Cler(Reverse)Zerub. EndecotSam. EndecotJames CarrRich'd CarrTimo: SwanJos: Ringg(Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 p. 36)(Deposition for Mary Bradbury)July 22'd 1692Concerning m's Bradburies life & conversationA petition was signed concerning the character and dispositionof Mary Bradbury by over 110 persons. "Wee the Subscribers doetestifie; that it was such as became the gospel shee was a loverof the ministrie in all appearance & a dilligent attender upongods holy ordinances, being of a curteous, & peaceabledispostion & cariag: neither did any of us (some of whom havelived in the town w'th her above fifty yeare) ever heare or knowthat shee ever had any difference or falling oute w'th any ofher neighbors man woman or childe-but was allways, readie &willing to doe for them w't laye in her power night & day,though w'th hazard of her health: or other danger: more might bespoken in her comendacon but this for the pr'sent"(Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 p. 40)James Allen, Robert Pike, and John Pike for Mary Bradbury"Being desired to give my testimony concerning the life &conversation of mrs. Bradbury of Salisbury amonst us: w'ch is asfolloweth. viz. I having lived nine years at Salisbury in thework of the ministry--& now four years in the office a Pastour;to my best notice & observation of mrs Bradbury she hath livedaccording to the rules of the gospell, amongst us, was aconstant attender upon the ministry of the word; & all theordinances of the gospell; full of works of charity & mercy tothe sick & poor. Neither have I seen or heard any thing of herunbecoming the profession of the gospell:--"*James Allin"mr James Allin made oathe to the truth of w't is above writtenSeptem'r the 7'th: 1692: before me *Rob't Pike AsstI do also aferm to the truth of w't is above testifyed uponupward of fifty years experience and shall so testify ifopertunity do present w'ch I shall indever *Robt: PikeHaving lived many years in Salbury & been much Conversant there,according to my best notice & observation of Mrs. Bradbury. mustneeds affirm to what is above written & add my oath to it ifCalled thereto*John Pike(Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 p. 36)(Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Mary Bradbury)(Ann Putnam, Jr, who was the daughter to Ann Putnam & ThomasPutnam)The deposition of Ann Putnam who tesifieth and saith that Ibeing at Andevour on the 26 day of July 1692 I saw there MisMary Bradbery the wife of Capt Tho: Bradbery of Salisbury or hiapperance most grevious afflecting and tormenting of TimothySwan of Andevor allmost Redy to kill him also sevrall timesbefore and sence that time I have seen mist. Bradbery or hirApperance most greviously afflecting Timothy Swan and I belevethat Mis Bradbery is a most dreadfull wicth for sence she hasbeen in prison she or her Apperance has com to me and mostgreviously afflected me ann putnam ownid before the grandInquest this har evidens to be the truth one the oath that shehath taken: this: 8 day of September 1692(Reverse) Anna putnam(Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 page 37)(Samuel Endicott v. Mary Bradbury)Sam'll Endecott aged thrity one years or thereabout TestifiesThatt about eleven years since being bound upon a vioage to seaw'th Capt Sam'll Smith Late of Boston Diceas'd, just before wesayl'd mrs Bradbery of Salisbury the prisoner now att the barrcame to Boston w'th some firkins of butter of w'ch Capt Smithbought two, one of them proved halfe way butter and after weehad been att sea three weekes our men were nott able to eat itt,itt stanck soe and runn wi'th magotts, w'ch made the men verymuch distrub'd about itt and would often say thatt they heardmrs Bradbury was a witch and thatt they verily beleived she wassoe or else she would nott have served the Capt soe as to sellhim such butter. And further this deponent Testifieth that infour dayes after they sett sayle they mett w'th such a violentstorm that we lost our main mast and rigin & Lost fifeteenhorses and thatt about a fortnight after we sett our jury mastand thatt very night there came up a Shipp by our side andCarried away two of the mizon shrouds and one of the Leaches ofthe mainsaile: And this deponent further sayth thatt after theyarived att Barbados and went to Saltitudos & had Laden theirvessell the next morning she sprange a leake in the hold w'chwasted sevrall tunns of salt in soe much thatt we were forct tounlade our vessell again wholy to stopp our leake there was thenfour foot of water in the hold after we had taken in our ladingagain we had a good passage home butt when we came near the Landthe Capt sent this deponent forward to looke out for land in abright moone shining night and as he was sitting upon thewindless he heard a Rumbling noise under him w'th thatt he thes'd deponent Testifieth Thatt he looked one side of the windlessand saw the leggs of some pson being no wayes frighted & Thattpresently he was shook and looked over his shoulder, & saw heappearance of a woman from her middle upwards, haveing a whiteCapp and white neckcloth on her, w'ch then affrighted him verymuch, and as he was turning of the windless he saw the aforsaidtwo leggs.Jurat in Curia Sep'r 9th 1692(Reverse) Sam. Endecott(Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 page 37)(Mary Warren v. Mary Bradbury)The Deposition of mary warren who testifieth and saith that Ihave been along time afflected by a woman which tould me hirname was Mis Bradbery and that she came from Salisbury but onthe 2'th day of July 1692: being the day of the examination ofmis mary Bradbery I then saw that she was the very same womanwhich tould me hir name was mis Bradbery and she did mostgreviously Afflect and torment me dureing the time of hirexamination for if she did but # strick look upon mshe wouldstrick me down or allmost Choak me also on the day of herexamination I saw mis Bradbery or hir Appearance most greviouslyafflect and torment mary wallcott Xarah vibber Eliz Hubbard andAnn putnam and I beleve in my heart that mis Bradbery is a witch& that she has very often afflected and tormented me and severalothers by hir acts of wicthcraft.Mary warrin ownid this har testimony one the oath which she hathtaken before the grand Inquest this 9th of September 92(Reverse)Mary Warren Depoition(Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 page 38)(Richard Carr and Zerubable Endicott v. Mary Bradbury)The deposition of Richard: Carr who testifieth and saith thatabout 13 years ago presently after sume Diferance that happenedto be between my Hon'rd father mr Geoge Carr: and Mis Bradberythe prisoner at the barr upon a Sabboth at noon as we wareriding hom by the house of Capt Tho: Bradbery I saw mis Bradberygoe into hir gate turne the corner of and Immediately therederted out of hir gate a blue boar and darted at my fathershorses ledgs which made him stumble but I saw it no more and myfather said boys what doe you se: we both answed a blue bore:Zorobabell Endicott testifieth and saith that I lived att mrGeorge Carr: now deceased att the time above mentioned and waspresent with mr George Carr and mr Richard Carr and I also saw ablue bore dart out of mr Bradberys gate to Mr Gorge Carrs horsesledges which mad him stumble after a strange manr and I also sawthe blue bore dart from mr carrs horses ledgs in att misBradberys window: and mr carr immediately said boys what did yousee and we both said a blue bore then said he from whence cameit and we said out of mr Bradberys gate. then said he I am gladyou see itt as well as well as I. Jurat in Curia Sep'r 9'th 92& they both further say on their Oathes that mr Carr discoursedw'th them as they went home about what had happened and they allconcluded that it was mrs Bradbury that so app'rd as a blueboar.(Reverse) Richard Carr Zorobable Endecott(Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 page 38)(James Carr v. Mary Bradbury)The Deposition of James carr. who testifieth and saith thatabout 20 years agoe one day as I was accidently att the house ofmr wheleright and his daughter the widdow maverick then livedthere: and she then did most curtuously invite me to com oftenerto the house and wondered I was grown such a stranger and within a few days affter one evening I went thether againe: and whenI came thether againe: william Bradbery was there who was then asuter to the said widdow but I did not know it tell affterwards;after I came in the widdow did so crosely treat the s'd williamBradbery that he went away semeing to be angury: presently afterthis I was taken affter a strange maner as if #(every) liveingcreature did run about every part of my body redy to tare me topeaces and so I continued for about 3 quarters of a year bytimes & I applyed myself to doctor crosbe who gave me a gratedeal of visek but could make non work tho he steept tobacco in(bofit) drink he could make non to work where upon he tould methat he beleved I was behaged: and I tould him I had thought soa good while: and he asked me by hom I tould him I did not carefor spaking for one was counted an honest woman. but he uging Itould him and he said he did beleve that mis Bradbery was a gratdeall worse then goody mertin: then presently affter this onenight I being a bed and brod awake there came sumthing to mewhich I thought was a catt and went to strick it ofe the bed andwas (seud) fast that I could not stir hedd nor foot but by andby coming to my strength I hard sumting a coming to me againeand I prepared myself to strick it: and it coming upon the bed Idid strick at it and I beleve I hit it: and affter that visekwould work on me and I beleve in my hart that mis Bradbery theprison'r att the bar has often afflected me by acts ofwicthcraft.Jurat in Curia Septm 9: 92(Reverse) James Carr Depoition(Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 38)(Mary Walcott v. Mary Bradbury)The deposistion of mary walcott who testifieth and saith that Ibeing at Andevor on the later end of July 1692: and on the 26day of the same month I saw there Mis mary Bradbery the wife ofCapt Tho: Bradbery of salisbury or hir Apperance most greviouslyaffleting and tormenting of Timothy Swan of Andevor allmost Redyto kill him: also before and sence that time I have seen misBradbery or hir Apperance most greviously affleting andtormenting Timothy Swan and I doe beleve in my heart that Mist.Bradbery is a most dreadffull wicth sence she has been in prisonshe or hir Apperance has come to me and most greviouslytormented meMary Walcot: affirmed: the truth of the above written evidencebefore the Jury of Inquest upon oath Sept'r 9: 1692(Reverse) Mary Walcot(Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 38)(William Carr for Mary Bradbury)The testimony of william Carr Aged 41 or ther abouts is That mybrother John Carr when he was yong was a man of as good capasityas most men of his age but faling in Love with Jane Tru (now wifof Capt John march) and my father being pswaded by some of thefamily (w'ch I shall not name) not to Let him mary so yong: myfather woold not give him a porsion w'r upon the mach broke ofw'ch my brother layd so much to hart that he grew melencoly & bydegrees much crazed not being the man that he was before to hisdying dayI do farther testify that my s'd brother was sick about afortnight or three weeks & then dyed & I was present with himw'n he dyed & I do aferm that he dyed peacibly and quietly nevermanifesting the Lest troubl in the world about any body nor didnot say anything mrs. Bradbury nor any body else doing him hurt& yet I was with him till the breath & Lif was out of his bodyJurat in Curia(Reverse) William Cars Testamony(Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 38)(Elizabeth Hubbard v. Mary Bradbury)The deposition of Eliz: Hubberd who testifieth and saith that Ihave along torn ben afflected by a woman which tould me hir namewas Mist. Bradbery of salisbury but on the : 2 day of July 1692being the day of the Examination of Mist. Mary Bradbery I thensaw that it was the very same woman that tould me hir name wasMist' Bradbery: and she did most greviously torment me dureingthe time of hir Examination for if she did but look upon me shewould strick me down or allmost choake me also on the day of hirExamination I saw Mist. Bradbery or hir Apperance mostgreviously afflect & torment mary wolcott Sarah Vibber and AnnPutnam and I beleve in my hart that Mist. Bradbery is a wicthand that she has very often afflected and tormented me and theafformentioned persons by hir acts of wicthcraf for sense shehas ben in prison she or hir Apperance has com to me and mostgreviously tormented me which if she were not a wicth she coldnot doe.Elizabeth Huberd on hear owned this har testimony to be thetruth before the grand Inquest this 9 day of September 92(Massachusetts Historical Society)(Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Mary Bradbury)The deposition of Ann putnam who testifieth and saith that eversence the begining of May 1692 I have ben afflected by a womanwhich tould me hir name was Mis Bradbery and that she came fromSalisbury, but on the 2'th day of July 1692 being the day of theExamination of Mis Mary Bradbery I then saw that she was thevery same woman that tould me hir name was Mis Bradbery and shemost greviously afflect and torment me dureing the time of hirExamination for if she did but look upon me she would strick medown or almost choak me also on the day of hir Examination I sawmis. Bradbery most greviously afflet and torment mary walcott.Sarah Vibber and Eliz. Hubburd and I beleve in my hart that MisBradbery is a wicth & that she has often affected me andseverall others by hir acts of wicthcraft: also there Appered tome my uncle Jno Carr in a winding sheet: whom I very well knewin his life time: and he tould me that mis Bradbery hadmurthered him and that his blood did Crie for venjance againsther: also mis Bradbery or his Apperance tould me that it was shethat made my fathers sheep to run a {torn} they were all lost:and that she had killed my fathers {torn} and also kiled thathorse he took such delight in An: Putnam affirmed to the Jury ofinquest: to the truth of the above written evidence on oathSept'r 9:1692(Massachusetts Historical Society)(Sarah Bibber v. Mary Bradbury){Torn} Deposistion of Sarah Vibber who testifieth and saith{torn} have along time ben afflected by a woman whch tould mehir name was Mis Bradbery and that she came from Salisbury buton the 2 day of July 1692 being the day of the Examin of MisMary Bradbery I wa most greviously tormented by hir dureing thetime of hir Examination: tho for a good while she would not letme se hir parsonally but at last I saw hir and then I saw thatit was the very same woman that tould me hir name was MisBradbery and she has most greviously affected me sence that timeallso I have seen Mis Bradbury is a {Torn} tnam and I beleve inmy heart that mis Bradbery is {Torn} nd that she has oftenaffected and tormented me and the {Torn} med persons by hir actsof wicthcraft{Torn} bber ownd to Jury of Inquest that the above writtenevidence is the truth upon her oath{Torn} 1692(Massachusetts Historical Society)(Mary Walcott v. Mary Bradbury){Torn} posistion of mary walcott who testifieth and saith that I{Torn} een along time afflected with a woman which tould me hir{Torn} was Mis: Bradbery: and that hir husband was Capt ofSalisbury{Torn} the 2 day of July 1692: being the day of the Examination{Torn} Bradbury of Salisbury I then saw that she was the very{Torn} woman that tould me hir name was Mist. Bradbery and then{Torn} most greviously afflect and torment me dureing the time{Torn} xamination for if she did but look upon me she wouldstrick{Torn} wn or allmost choak me: also on the day of hirExamination{Torn} mist mary Bradbery or hir Apperance most griviouslyafflect{Torn} torment #[mercy lewes] Eliz. Hubberd mary warren #[Sarahvibber ]{Torn} Ann putnam and I verily beleve that mistris mary Bradberyis a{Torn} most dread wicth and that she hath very often afflectedme and the{Torn} e named parsons by acts of wicthcraf for sence she hasbeen in --{Torn} son she or hir apperanc has come to me and has mostgreviously tormented{Torn} me: also their appeared to me a yong man in a windingsheet{Torn} tould me his name was Jno Carr and that Mis Bradbery hadmurth{Torn} that his blood did cry for venjance against hir{Torn} Walcot affirmd: to the truth of the above writtenevidence before{Torn} the Jury of Inquest: upon her oath{Torn} 1692