Bradbury, Thomas

Birth Name Bradbury, Thomas
Gender male
Age at Death 84 years, 17 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 1611-02-28    
Death 1695-03-16    


    Family of Bradbury, Thomas and Perkins, Mary
Married Wife Perkins, Mary ( * + 1700-12-20 )
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage 1636    
Name Birth Date Death Date
Bradbury, William1649-09-151678-12-04


Thomas Bradbury was born in Wicken Bonant, Essex, England. Hemarried about 1636 Mary Perkins, daughter of John Perkins andJudith Gator. She was born Sept 3, 1613, in Hillmorton, Englandand arrived on the ship "Lion" with her parents. In 1634 he wasin Agamenticus, now York, ME and was an agent of Sir FerdinandoGorges who was the proprietor of the Province of Maine. He laterwas in Salisbury, MA, and styled Captain, and was an originalproprietor of Salisbury. In May 1640 he was made freeman andreceived land in the first division. He was a clerk,schoolmaster, justice of the peace and county recorder from 1651to 1676. Many of the old records are in his hand. He was also anassociate justice. In 1687 he and his wife were second on thelist of the Salisbury Church members. During the Salem trials of 1692 Mary was accused of witchcraft.She was charged with bewitching John Carr so that he becamecrazed and died. Samuel Endicott also accused her of appearingas a ghost at sea and bringing a storm upon the ship after thecaptain accused her of providing him with spoiled butter. Shewas also said to have appeared to the Carrs and ZerababelEndicott in front of her house as a "blue Boar." Although apetition on her behalf signed by over one hundred residents waspresented to the court and she was defended by Major Robert Pikeas well as her husband, she was still convicted and jailed. Sheescaped before being hanged and died Dec 20, 1700. William diedMar 16, 1694/95.


    1. Bradbury, Thomas
      1. Perkins, Mary
        1. Bradbury, William