Ford, Millicent

Birth Name Ford, Millicent
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Ford, Williamabout 16041676-09-18
Mother Eames, Annaabout 16151684-09-01
    Brother     Ford, Michael about 1637 1729-03-27
    Brother     Ford, William Jr.
    Sister     Ford, Margaret
         Ford, Millicent


    Family of Carver, John and Ford, Millicent
Unknown Partner Carver, John ( * about 1637 + 1679-06-23 )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Carver, Robert
Carver, Mehetableabout 1679-04-00
Carver, Elizabeth1662/1663
Carver, William1659
Carver, John16611747
Carver, Eleazerabout 1668
Carver, Davidabout 1669
Carver, Rebecca1670
Carver, Mercy1672
Carver, Anna1675
Carver, Rebeccaafter 1676
    Family of Drake, Thomas and Ford, Millicent
Unknown Partner Drake, Thomas ( * + ... )


  1. Ford, William
    1. Eames, Anna
      1. Ford, William Jr.
      2. Ford, Margaret
      3. Ford, Millicent
        1. Carver, John
          1. Carver, William
          2. Carver, John
          3. Carver, Elizabeth
          4. Carver, Robert
          5. Carver, Eleazer
          6. Carver, David
          7. Carver, Mercy
          8. Carver, Anna
          9. Carver, Mehetable
          10. Carver, Rebecca
          11. Carver, Rebecca
        2. Drake, Thomas
      4. Ford, Michael
