Merrow, Sarah

Birth Name Merrow, Sarah
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Merrow, Joshua
Mother James, Eunice
         Merrow, Sarah


    Family of Libby, John Y. and Merrow, Sarah
Unknown Partner Libby, John Y. ( * 1802-11-25 + 1881-06-08 )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Libby, Jane
Libby, Lovina
Libby, Eveline
Libby, Madison
Libby, James Wesley1832
Libby, Ira M.1834-08-251902-01-14
Libby, Alonzo1835-10-17
Libby, Melissa1837-12-27
Libby, George W.1840-02-20
Libby, Seth1842-03-25
Libby, Delphina1844-11-28
Libby, Josiah1846-04-07


  1. Merrow, Joshua
    1. James, Eunice
      1. Merrow, Sarah
        1. Libby, John Y.
          1. Libby, Jane
          2. Libby, Lovina
          3. Libby, Eveline
          4. Libby, Madison
          5. Libby, James Wesley
          6. Libby, Alonzo
          7. Libby, Ira M.
          8. Libby, Melissa
          9. Libby, George W.
          10. Libby, Seth
          11. Libby, Delphina
          12. Libby, Josiah
