!Source: "Mayflower Families in Progress: Henry Sampson of theMayflower and His Descendants for Four Generations", compiled byRobert Moody Sherman, FASG and Ruth Wilder Sherman, FASG.Published by General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 1992.!Source: Typewritten info provided by Evelyn Buckner Floyd ofSmyrna, GA, citing, in aggregate, Mendon (MA) Vital Records,p.365; Rowley (MA) Town Records, pp. 142, 145, and 355; Upton(MA) Vital Records, pp. 118, 119, and 173; "Crane's History ofWorcester County, Massachusetts" vol. I p. 519; "Early Settlersof Rowley, Massachusetts" by Blodgett and Jewett, pp 249-263;"History of Milford, Massachusetts" by A. Ballou, pp. 915-916;"Upton's Heritage" by D. B. Johnson, pp. 51-52; and "Descendantsof Job Tyler" by W. I. Tyler Brigham, vol. I, p. 102.Source: "Vital Records of Mendon, Massachusetts to the Year1850", compiled by Thomas W. Baldwin (1920), p. 196-198.!Source: "The Tyler Genealogy: the Descendants of Job Tyler ofAndover, Mass., 1619-1700" by W. I. Tyler Brigham, p. 62, 102.!Source: "Vital Records of Upton Massachusetts", p. 118.