Will of Henry Samson - Duxburrow this 24th of the: 10th 1684 The Last Will and Testament of henery Sampson of Duxburrow; In the Name of God Amen Know all prsons whom it may Concerne that I henery Sampson beingin my right understanding Doe thuse will and bequeth my estateto be Disposed of, after my Death 1 I Doe Comitt and Comend my soule to God that gave it mee whomI trust hath redemed it; and my body to the earth for a season;Desiering that I may be Decently buried; 2 It is my will that all prsonall Debts be payed out of myprsonal estate; and that my funerall Charges before any legacyes3 I Doe Give and bequeath unto my son Stephen one third prte ofmy whole puchase of Land lying and being in the Township ofDartmouth; 4 I Doe Give unto my son John one thirds of my whole purchase ofLands lying and being within the Township of Dartmouth; 5 I Give and bequeath unto my son James the remaining prte ofthe other third of my Land lying within the Towneship ofDartmouth; That is thuse Joseph Russell is to have the Landwhich was my son Jameses sold to him the said Russell; and Isigned it taken out of the Last third; and the remainder is thatwhich I Doe bequeath to my son James for hee had the Mony forthe Land that was sold to the abovsaid Russell; 6 I Doe further give and bequeath unto my son James oneshilling; 7 I Doe give and bequeath unto my son Caleb one shilling; 8 I Doe Give unto my Daughter Elizabeth now the wife of RoberdSprout one shilling; 9 I Doe Give and bequeath unto my Daughter hannah now the wifeof Josias holmes one shillinge; 10 It: I Doe give and bequeath unto my Daughter Now the wife ofJohn hanmore ten shillings; 11 I Doe Give and bequeath unto Mary my Daughter Now the wife ofJohn Summers; one shillinge 12 I Doe give unto my Daughter Dorcas now the wife of ThomasBony one shillinge 13 I Doe Constitute ordaine and appoint ; my son Stephen to beexecutor of this my Last Will and Testament to pay all my Debtsand Legacyes and to receive all Dues; 14 It is my Desire that my trusty and honored frind mr Wiswallwould be the overseer of this my last will and Testament; ThusDesireing to waite untill my Change shalbe; and that those thatcome after may be att Peace; I shall subscribe with my hand andseale the Day and yeer above expressed; signed and sealed in theprsence of the witnesses: Thomas DelanoHenery SampsonJoseph Chandler his marke==========================================================