Goodwin, Mary

Birth Name Goodwin, Mary
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Goodwin, John1706-08-111793-09-14
Mother Pitkin, Dorothy17171789-08-17
    Sister     Goodwin, Damaris 1738 1773-10-18
    Brother     Goodwin, John 1741 1784
    Brother     Goodwin, Joseph 1743-05-09 1809-11-13
    Brother     Goodwin, William 1745 1785-03-20
    Sister     Goodwin, Sarah 1750
    Brother     Goodwin, Richard 1753 1821-08-15
    Sister     Goodwin, Thankful 1754 1771-12-13
    Brother     Goodwin, Levi 1757 1830-04-24
    Sister     Goodwin, Hannah
         Goodwin, Mary
    Sister     Goodwin, Anna 1762 1780-01-14
    Sister     Goodwin, Dolly


    Family of Hall, Timothy and Goodwin, Mary
Unknown Partner Hall, Timothy ( * + ... )


  1. Goodwin, John
    1. Pitkin, Dorothy
      1. Goodwin, Hannah
      2. Goodwin, Mary
        1. Hall, Timothy
      3. Goodwin, Dolly
      4. Goodwin, Damaris
      5. Goodwin, John
      6. Goodwin, Joseph
      7. Goodwin, William
      8. Goodwin, Sarah
      9. Goodwin, Richard
      10. Goodwin, Thankful
      11. Goodwin, Levi
      12. Goodwin, Anna
