Owen, Hannah

Birth Name Owen, Hannah
Gender female
Age at Death 92 years, 10 months, 10 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 1725-11-23 Braintree, Norfolk, MA  
Death 1818-10-03 Upton, Worcester, MA  


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Owen, Benjamin1691-11-011754
Mother Adams, Hannah1697/8-02-21 (Julian)
         Owen, Hannah 1725-11-23 1818-10-03


    Family of Brackett, Nathan and Owen, Hannah
Married Husband Brackett, Nathan ( * 1724-07-01 + 1795 )
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage 1749-09-05 Buckland, Franklin, MA  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Brackett, Nathan1750-02-04
Brackett, Hannah1751-12-041802-02-14
Brackett, Jonathan1753-08-01
Brackett, Betsey1755-08-27
Brackett, Samuel1757-06-29
Brackett, Sally1759-09-19
Brackett, Benjamin1760-11-10
Brackett, Nanna1763-01-14
Brackett, James1765-01-27
Brackett, Rebecca1768-02-02
Brackett, Lois1773-07-02


!Source: International Genealogical Index. NOTE: This is NOT theHannah Owen described by AFN 508T-44. That person (a cousin)died young.!Source: Typewritten information provided by Evelyn BucknerFloyd of Smyrna, GA, citing Parish Registers-BishopTranscripts-Probate File #1775 Suffolk County, England, BrackettGenealogy by Herbert I Brackett, pp 109-113 and 535-540, NewEngland Marriages Prior to 1700 by C.A. Torrey, p. 89, Upton, MAVital Records, pp 14, 81, 172, Braintree Town Records, the NewEngland Historical and Genealogical Register, vol. 10-66-70, andmaterial owned by John B. Threlfall, Madison, WI.!Note: The above sources place this Hannah in the wrongOwen/Owens family (that of Nathaniel, Jr., Benjamin's brother.Nathaniel Jr. and his wife Deborah Parmenter had two daughtersnamed Hannah, both of whom died young, and another daughternamed Anna, who also died young. "Owen Source Book", Part 1, byCharles Owen Johnson (1988), p. 19 shows the first Hannah, dau.Nathaniel, died 17 Feb 1721, and Anna died 23 Dec 1728. Sprague(below) shows first Hannah, dau. Nathaniel, b. 13 Nov 1720, d.17 Feb 1721., second Hannah, also dau. Nathaniel, b. 7 Sep 1723,d. Jan 7, 1724, with a "?" next to death date, and Anna, dau.Nathaniel, b. 28 Oct 1728, d. 23 Dec 1728. 5 of this couple's 9children d.y., adult records are shown for only 3 (Abigail,Mary, and Deborah).!Birth-Marriage-Death: "Genealogies of the Families ofBraintree, Massachusetts 1640-1850 ...", Compiled by WaldoChamberlain Sprague. Published on microfilm in cooperation withthe Quincy Historical Society and the New England HistoricGenealogical Society, Boston 1983. LDS FHL film #1405272.!Source: "A Genealogical History of Henry Adams of Braintree,Mass., and His Descendants" by Andrew N. Adams (LC #CS71.A21898).!Source: "Vital Records of Upton, Massachusetts to the End ofthe Year 1849" (LC #F74.U7U7)!Source: "Brackett Genealogy" by Herbert I. Brackett (1907). LCMicrofilm No. 87/7402(C). Note that this indicates that she wasprobably the daughter of Nathaniel Owen and his wife Deborah(Parmenter) and was born 3 Nov 1720. This is refuted by Sprague(above) and extant Braintree town records, which indicate thatthat Hannah died about 1724 or so.


  1. Owen, Benjamin
    1. Adams, Hannah
      1. Owen, Hannah
        1. Brackett, Nathan
          1. Brackett, Nathan
          2. Brackett, Hannah
          3. Brackett, Jonathan
          4. Brackett, Betsey
          5. Brackett, Samuel
          6. Brackett, Sally
          7. Brackett, Benjamin
          8. Brackett, Nanna
          9. Brackett, James
          10. Brackett, Rebecca
          11. Brackett, Lois
