!Source: "Genealogies of the Families of Braintree,Massachusetts 1640-1850 ...", Compiled by Waldo ChamberlainSprague. Published on microfilm in cooperation with the QuincyHistorical Society and the New England Historic GenealogicalSociety, Boston 1983. LDS FHL film #1405272.!Source: "Genealogies of Mayflower Families from the New EnglandHistorical and Genealogical Register", Selected by Gary BoydRoberts (1985).!Source: "A Genealogical History of Henry Adams of Braintree,Mass., and His Descendants" by Andrew N. Adams (LC #CS71.A21898).!Source: "Family Memorial Part I - Genealogy of FourteenFamilies of the Early Settlers of New=England" by Elisha Thayer.LC# CS71.T37 1835.