Hunting, John

Birth Name Hunting, John
Gender male


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Hunting, Samuel17441816-07-27
Mother Demount, Elisabeth “Dolly”1814-11-23
    Brother     Hunting, John 1765-03-05
    Sister     Hunting, Elizabeth 1766-09-25
    Brother     Hunting, Alexander 1768-10-21 1839-12-23
    Brother     Hunting, Samuel 1771-10-18 1820-05-24
    Brother     Hunting, Samuel
    Sister     Hunting, Lois
    Sister     Hunting, Mary
    Brother     Hunting, Timothy
    Sister     Hunting, Lois
    Sister     Hunting, Mary
         Hunting, John
    Brother     Hunting, Timothy


    Family of Hunting, John and Rice, Betsey
Married Wife Rice, Betsey ( * + ... )
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage 1802-07-21 Marlborough, MA  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Hunting, John Demount1802-11-17


  1. Hunting, Samuel
    1. Demount, Elisabeth “Dolly”
      1. Hunting, Samuel
      2. Hunting, Lois
      3. Hunting, Mary
      4. Hunting, Timothy
      5. Hunting, Lois
      6. Hunting, Mary
      7. Hunting, John
        1. Rice, Betsey
          1. Hunting, John Demount
      8. Hunting, Timothy
      9. Hunting, John
      10. Hunting, Elizabeth
      11. Hunting, Alexander
      12. Hunting, Samuel
