Barrows, Betsy

Birth Name Barrows, Betsy
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Barrows, Anselabout 17601793
Mother Elliott, Hannah
    Sister     Barrows, Esther
    Brother     Barrows, Harvey
    Sister     Barrows, Sarah
    Brother     Barrows, Thomas
    Brother     Barrows, James Elliott 1796-05-08
    Brother     Barrows, Simeon Totman 1798-02-18
    Brother     Barrows, Asa
         Barrows, Betsy
    Brother     Barrows, Moses
    Brother     Barrows, Ansel 1801-07-04 1889-06-27
    Sister     Barrows, Deborah


    Family of Perkins, Calvin and Barrows, Betsy
Unknown Partner Perkins, Calvin ( * + ... )


  1. Barrows, Ansel
    1. Elliott, Hannah
      1. Barrows, Esther
      2. Barrows, Harvey
      3. Barrows, Sarah
      4. Barrows, Thomas
      5. Barrows, Asa
      6. Barrows, Betsy
        1. Perkins, Calvin
      7. Barrows, Moses
      8. Barrows, Deborah
      9. Barrows, James Elliott
      10. Barrows, Simeon Totman
      11. Barrows, Ansel
