Ricker, Martha

Birth Name Ricker, Martha
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Ricker, Weymouth17931865-12-26
Mother Wentworth, Mary Tibbets1795-04-091868-01-08
    Sister     Ricker, Hannah Sedgley 1814-02-12
    Sister     Ricker, Elizabeth
    Sister     Ricker, Mary
    Sister     Ricker, Caroline
    Brother     Ricker, Wentworth Or Hiram
         Ricker, Martha


    Family of Spear, Ruben and Ricker, Martha
Unknown Partner Spear, Ruben ( * + ... )


  1. Ricker, Weymouth
    1. Wentworth, Mary Tibbets
      1. Ricker, Elizabeth
      2. Ricker, Mary
      3. Ricker, Caroline
      4. Ricker, Wentworth Or Hiram
      5. Ricker, Martha
        1. Spear, Ruben
      6. Ricker, Hannah Sedgley
