!MARRIAGES:American Marriage Records Before 1699, p.103,HASKELL, William and Mary Tybott, 6 November 1643, Gloucester,Mass. HASKELL, William and Mary Browne, 3 July 1667, Gloucester,Mass.!HISTORY: New England, page 441-442 - He was born in 1617 inEnland, and first settled in that part of Salem known asBeverly, then called "Cape Ann side," and soon became apermanent resident of Gloucester, where he died August 20, 1693,leaving anestate valued at five hundred forty-eight pounds, twoshillings. He was in Gloucester in 1643, and probably residedat Planters' Neck two years later, thought he appears to havebeen absent from the town later. He was there in 1656, however,and settled on the westerly side of Annisquam, where he hadseveral parcels of land, including a lot of ten acres with houseand barn, on the westerly side of Walker's creek. His sons hadland on both sides of this creek still held by descendants. Hewas a mariner, engaged in fishing, but found time to attend tomuch of the town's business, serving as selectman several years.In 1661, he was appointed lieutenant of the "trayned band" andwas later captain. He was oneof the officers who refused in1688 to assess the taxes levied by Sir Edmund Andros, and wasfined by the superior court at Salem. The repudiated governor,Andros, was finally driven out of New England by the indignantvictims of his tyranny. In 1681 William Haskell joined withothers in a petition to the king praying for the interpositionof the crown to prevent the disturbance of title to Gloucesterlands by Robert Mason, who made claim thereto. He was one ofthe first two known deacons of the first church at Gloucester.He married, November 16, 1643, Mary, daughter of Walter Tybbot.She died four days before her husband. Children: William,Joseph, Benjamin, John, Ruth, Mark, Sarah, Elinor and Mary.