Pabodie, John

Birth Name Pabodie, John
Gender male
Age at Death 77 years


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 1590 St. Albans, Herts, England  
Death 1667 Bridgewater, Plymouth, MA  
Burial 1667-07-15    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Pabodie, John1565
Mother , Agnes1569
         Pabodie, John 1590 1667


    Family of Pabodie, John and Harper, Isabel
Unknown Partner Harper, Isabel ( * 1594 + ... )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Pabodie, Thomas1612
Peabody, Francis16141697/8-02-19 (Julian)
Pabodie, William16191707-12-13
Pabodie, Annis16221688


From Velton Peabody (PEABODY@LOCALNET.COM): JOHN PEABODY1 wasborn about 1590 in St. Albans, Hertford Co., England. Heprobably came to the Plymouth Colony in 1635 or 1636, for hisname appears on the list of freemen of the colony dated March 7,1636/37, and he was admitted and sworn with others whose nameswere on that list on Jan. 2, 1637/8. He married Isabel Harper,sister of Thomas Harper of London, England. John Peabodyreceived a grant of 10 acres of land Jan. 1, 1637/8, "onDuxburrow side, lying betwixt the lands of William Tubs on thenorth side and those of Experience Mitchell on the south side,and from the sea in the west; and from Blew Fish River in theeaste." Another tract, granted him Nov. 2, 1640, was 30acres "with meadow to it" at North River. He was a memberof the jury that convicted three young Englishmen of the murderof an Indian on Sept. 4, 1638, and of the "Grand Inquest" atthe court June 4, 1639. He was one of the sureties on aneighbor's bond June 4, 1645.In 1645, John Peabody and his son, William, were among theoriginal proprietors of Bridgewater, Mass. He was a witnesswith Thomas Winterton against Edward Richards when he wastried in court at Salem 4:9:1645, on a charge of making a falsestatement to them concerning shipboard killings. Richards wasconvicted and fined 10 shillings and ordered to acknowledge hissin before the congregation at Lynn.John's will, dated July 16, 1649, at Duxbury, was proved Apr.27, 1666/7 at Boston:"In and about the sixteenth of July in the yeare of our Lord1649 I John Paybody of Duxbrook in the Collonie of New Plymouteplanter being in prfect health and sound in memory God beblessed for it doe ordaine and make this my last Will andTestament In maner and forme as foloweth;"Imprimis I bequeath my soule to God that gave it hopeing to besaved by the Meritt of Christ my blessed Saviour andRedeemer; as for my worldly goods as followeth "Item I giveand bequeath unto Thomas my eldest sonne one shilling "Item Igive and bequeath unto ffrancis Paybody my second son oneshilling. "Item I give and bequeath unto William Paybody myyoungest son one shilling."Item I give and bequeath unto Annis Rouse my daughter oneshilling. "Item I give and bequeath unto John Rouse the son ofJohn Rouse my lands att Carswell in Marshfield after my wifesdecease;"Item I give unto John Pabodie the son of William my lott ofLand att the newplantation,"Item I give and bequeath all the Rest of my goods that aremy mineliveing and dead unto my wife Isabell Paybody whome I make mysole executrixof this my last Will and Testament; memorandum all theselegasyes beforesett downe are to yayed by William Paybody my youngest sonwhen theyshallbe demandedJohn PaybodyJohn ffernesydeBoston in New Englandthe 27th of April, 1667"Mr John ffernesyde came before mee under written anddeposed that by order of Paybody above written and mentioned:hee wrote what is above written and Read it to the said JohnPaybody on the day of the date thereof and declared the same tobe his Last Will and that when hee soe did hee was of a sounddisposing mind to his best knowlidg and alsoe subscribed hisname thereunto John ffernesyde as a witness;As Attesteth EdwardRawson Recorder" Children, probably all born in St. Albans:i. Thomas,2 b. about 1612 in England #2 ii. Francis, b. about 1614 in England#3 iii. William, b. 1619iv. Annis or Annie, b. about 1620; m. Jan. 7, 1638/9, inMarshfield, JohnRouse of Marshfield; John was a Quaker, he was a town officer inMarshfield in 1645; he d. Dec. 16, 1684, in Marshfield, and shed. before Sept. 12, 1688, when he will was proved; children:Mary Rouse, John Rouse, Simon Rouse, George Rouse, ElizabethRouse, Anna Rouse.Sources: Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of EssexCounty, [Mass.], I, 1911; "Plymouth Colony Wills andInventories," Mayflower Descendant XVII:1 (January 1915);Justin Winsor, History of the Town of Duxbury, Massachusetts,1849; Eugene Willard Montgomery, Willard Peabody Genealogy,1915; Charles Henry Pope, Pioneers of Massachusetts, 1900;William Richard Cutter and William Frederick Adams, Genealogicaland Personal Memoirs Relating to the Families of the State ofMassachusetts, II, 1910; C.M. Endicott, Genealogy of thePeabody Family, 1867, revised and corrected by William S.Peabody with a partial record of the Rhode Island Branch by B.Frank Peabody, cited hereafter as Peabody Genealogy, 1867;Selim Hobart Peabody, Peabody (Paybody, Pabody, Pabodie)Genealogy, 1909, cited hereafter as Peabody Genealogy, 1909;Leon Clark Hills, History and Genealogy of the MayflowerPlanters (Cape Cod Series), I, 1975 reprint of 1936 1941 ed.;Dorothy A. Sherman Lainson, John Paybodie (Peabody) EnglishImmigrant to Plymouth Duxbury, 1635, 1972; Goldie PeabodyBrownyard and Theodore Lucius Brownyard, Ancestors andDescendants of Charles Elmer Peabody, 1980; Richard Gentry,Gentry Family in America, 1909; Detroit Society forGenealogical Research Magazine XXX:3 (Spring 1967); FamilyHistory Library; William R. Marsh, Ancestors and Descendants ofF.A. Marsh and Ivy Crites, 1990; Nahum Mitchell, History of theEarly Settlement of Bridgewater, in Plymouth County,Massachusetts, 1840.


  1. Pabodie, John
    1. , Agnes
      1. Pabodie, John
        1. Harper, Isabel
          1. Pabodie, Thomas
          2. Peabody, Francis
          3. Pabodie, William
          4. Pabodie, Annis
