Pabodie, William 1a

Birth Name Pabodie, William
Gender male
Age at Death 88 years, 11 months, 12 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Burial   Commons Cemetery, Little Compton, Newport, RI  
Birth 1619 St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England  
Death 1707-12-13 Little Compton, Newport, RI  


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Pabodie, John15901667
Mother Harper, Isabel1594
    Brother     Pabodie, Thomas 1612
    Brother     Peabody, Francis 1614 1697/8-02-19 (Julian)
         Pabodie, William 1619 1707-12-13
    Sister     Pabodie, Annis 1622 1688


    Family of Pabodie, William and Alden, Elizabeth
Married Wife Alden, Elizabeth ( * abt 1624/1625 + 1717-05-31 )
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage 1644-12-26 Duxbury, MA r166  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Pabodie, John1645-10-041669-11-17
Peabody, Elizabeth1647-04-241677/1679
Pabodie, Mary1648-08-071728-11-08
Pabodie, Mercy1649/50-01-02 (Julian)1728
Pabodie, Martha1650/1-02-24 (Julian)1711/2-01-25 (Julian)
Pabodie, Priscilla1652-11-161652/3-03-02 (Julian)
Pabodie, Priscilla1653/4-01-15 (Julian)1724-06-03
Pabodie, Sarah1656-08-071740-08-27
Pabodie, Ruth1658-06-271725-03-27
Pabodie, Rebecca1660-10-161702-12-25
Pabodie, Hannah1662-10-151723-04-29
Pabodie, William1664-11-241744-09-17
Pabodie, Lydia1667-04-031748-07-13


r161 The Date of Governor Bradford's Passenger List

John Alden's eldest daughter Elizabeth married on December 26,1644, old style, William Pabodie, who was for many years the town clerk of Duxbury. While holding this office William Pabodie entered on the town records his own marriage, and the births of his children. The names of these children and the dates of their births I have copied directly from the original record made by their father: John, October 4, 1645; Elizabeth, April 24, 1647; Mary, August 7, 1648 -; Mercy, January 2, 1649 -; Martha, February 24, 1650; Priscilla, November 16, 1652 -; Priscilla, January 15, 1653 -; Sarah, August 7, 1656; Ruth, June 27, 1658; Rebecca, October 16, 1660; Hannah, October 15, 1662; William, November 24, 1664; Lydia, April 3, 1667. It will be seen that the fifth child was Martha, who was born February 24, 1650, ,"old, style," or March 6, 1651, "new style," and Bradford must have learned of her birth before he wrote: "And their eldest daughter is maried & hath five children."

Transcribed from the Original Records and Documents, by George Erest Bowman

WILLIAM PABODIE married Elizabeth 2 Alden (John 1) on 26December, 1644,* and, after living at Duxbury many years, removed to Little Compton, which was a part of Bristol County, Mass., until 1747, when it was annexed to Rhode Island. He died at Little Compton on 23 December, 1707, and his will and inventory are found in the Bnstol County Probate Records, at Taunton, Mass., Volume II, pages 193 - 295 and 268. The original will has disappeared from the files, but the original inventory and the executor's account, also the bond of the executors, which is not recorded, are still in the docket. The bond of the executors is dated 27 February, 1707,- and was made out on a printed form. "Elizabeth Pabodie widow Relict of mr william Pabodie Late of Little Compton in the County of Bristoll Deceased & william Pabodie son to ye said Deceased" were the principals, and "mr Peter Taylor & Samuel wilbore of Little Compton" the sureties, the bond being for the sum of 800. Elizabeth Pabodie, the widow, signed by her mark, the others wrote their names. The witnesses were John Coe and William Fobes.[WTT T TAM PABODIE'S W=L.][II: 193]

The Last will. & Testament of william Pabodie of Little Compton in the County of Bnstoll being aged and weakly but of perfect understandig as at other times blessed Mayflower Descendant I: 163.- 1703 in new style be God for it . for the settleing & Continueing peace in my family and amongst my Children after my Decease do order my estate in the world as followeth = Imprus that my Body after it be Dead have Decent buriall & all funeral Charges be Defrayed out of my Estate Item That all my Lawfull Debts be fully and Clearely & truely payd out of my Estate as soon after my Death as Conveiniently Can Item I give unto my beloved wife all my houseing and lands in that part of ye town of Little Compton aforesd Called the three quarters of a mile square the land being the one halfe of fourteen Eleven acre lofts of land Lyeing all of them in said three quarters of a Mile square the Dwelling house being the East End . of said house (the one halfe of sd fourteen Elevenacre lofts of land . I gave formerly unto my son william Pabodie as may appear by a Deed of Gift unto him under my hand and seal)

Dureing the time of her widowhood: but if she Marry againe then I give her the Third part only Dureing her life . allso I "mve unto my sd wife all my household stuff beds and beding puter brass Iron Tinn woodt Except Onely one sett of Green Curtaines the which I have given unto my Daughter Lidea Greenill after my wives Decease Together with the vallans "hereunto belon, aing Allso I give unto my wife what Cattle or beast of any sort or kind that shall be found mille at my Death Together allso with all Bills due unto me at y death and what money shall be found mme at my Death Provided she Marry not againe and allso Rest Contented with this my bequest to her in this my last will & Testament. But if my wife shall see cause to Claime her Thirds of my house and lands that was mine at Duxbury which I sold unto Samuel Bartlett and make use thereof then my will is . my son william Pabodie shall have. the whole use of houseing & lands at Little Compton & c c pay Samuel Bartlett fifty shillings by the year Dureirlg the time her. Mother makes use of her thirds at Duxbury Item my will further is that if my wife will not be Contented with her thirds at Little Compton onely nor with her Thirds at Duxbury onely but shall Claime her Thirds in both places or Marry againe then my will is that I do hereby make voyde all my bequest unto her before mentioned in this my last will & Testament and that she shall have onely such part of my Estate as the law provides when the Husband . Dyes Intestate, and my bequest in this my last will & Testament in what its (Sic) more then the law Requires as aforesaid shall goe to make Up the Damage any person shall sustain by her Refusall Item I give to my son william Pabodie after his Mothers death that part of my house and land & land in Little Compton which I have bequeathed unto his mother Dureing her life to him & his heires for Ever with all the Appurtenances Item I give unto my son william Pabodie one Quarter part of afour & Twenty acre lott of land in Little compton the Eighth in Number among the four & Twenty acre lofts in Little Compton to him his heires and assignee for Ever Item I give unto my son william Pabodie all my books not otherwise Disposed of before my Death and all my tools Axes hoes augurs saws Chames hooks plow Irons . Crow & c Item I give unto my three Gransons Namely stephen Southworth the Naturall son of my Daughter Rebecca now Deceased and the Naturall sons of my said son Willia Pabodie Namely John Pabodie & william Pabodie as followeth, whereas there are Certain lands belonging unto me the Testator Lyeing in or about a place called weskanauge westward of the town of Providence in Rhod Island Jurisdiction in New England not as yet bound out nor Divided Namely one whole share I purchased of Philip Taber as may appear by Deed under the hand & seale of sd Taber bearing Date November the 22 th 1685 and one other share of land [p. 194] Land in the same Country Purchased by my son in Law william ffoabs of shuball Painter as may appear by a Deed under his hand and sealbearing Date march the 8 th 1682 but assigned over by the said william ffobes unto my son in Law Icabod wiswall and my self the Testator as may appear by an assignement on the backside said Deed Now I give unto my three Gransons before Named viz Stephen southworth John Pabodie and will Pabodie one third part of that whole share of land bought of Phillip Taber the other two third parts haveing formerly sold unto my two sons in law Namely Edward southworth & william ffobes allso I give two third parts of my halfe share of what was said suball Painters the other Third part of said half share I sold unto my said son in Law Edward southworth now I say the one third part of my share I bought of Philip Taber & two third parts of that half share I bought that was suball Painters I give unto my said three Gransons Namely Stephen Southworth John Pabodie & william Pabodie by an equal Divission to them and their heires for Ever Item Item I give unto my Naturall Daughter Mary one shilling & to my Naturall Daughter Mercey one shilling and 132 William Pabodie's Will and Inventory. unto my naturall Daughter Martha one shilling and unto my Naturall Priscilla one shilling & un to my Naturall Daughter Ruthone shilling and unto my Naturall Daughter Sarah one shilling & unto my Naturall Daughter Hannah one shilling & to my Naturall Daghter Lidia one shilling and to the heires of my Naturall Daughter Elrzabeth one shilling & unto the heires of my Naturall Daughter Rebecah one shilling

Lastly I Constitute and appoint my beloved wife & my son william Pabodie sole Executors of this my last will and Testamentt Desireing my beloved friends: Signed and sealed }William Pabodie (S)in the presence of } May: 13 th: 1707 these witnesses } John Woodman Peter Taylor Samuel will bore Bristol ss Little Compton ye 2; day of ffebry 1707 Then mr John woodman Peter Taylor & Samuel wilbore all of Little Compton Named as witnesses to ye above written will of mr william Pabodie late of Little Compton Deceased Appeared before Nathal Byfield Esqr Judge of Probate of wills & c within the County of Bristol and made Oath ye they were present & did see the sd Testator signe seale and Publish ye same as his last will and testament and that he was of a Disposeing mind when he so did John Cary Regr: Nathal Byfield Entered March first 1707 By John Cary Register [WILLIAM PABODIE'S INVENTORY.* ]

An Inventory of the Goods and Estate of the Late Deceassed mr william Pabody whoe Dyed the 13 th day of December 1707 . s d It To 72 acers of Land att 4. 10s acer is 325 00 00 It To six acers of out Land 26 00 00 It To a shaire of Land Lying in a purchis Called }washquanoug in Rhoad Island Collony the val- }. . . . . .lew not Knowne }It To a dwelling house and halfe the barne all 32 00 00e transcribed from the orignal document. William Pabodie's Will and Inventory. 133 It To one mare and her yearling being a mare both att 26 00 00 It To one Cow and a young Calufe both att 23 00 00 It To Sundry Book 2 26 00 00 It To tow feather . beds and the furniture belonging tothem 14 02 02It To 4 basons and 3 platters and 3 porugers allor 11 00 It To a Tanker and a pint pott and a boul Cupp and one plate 00 10 00 It To 2 old Chamber posts and an old bed pan and 2 Cups and Sum old putter all 00 12 00 It To 2 Iron posts and one Iron Cittle 01 00 00 It To an old brass pan and 2 old Little Cittills and 2 Cillins* all 01 05 00 It To 2 Tramills and a Spitt and a ***** of Tongs and afire Slise all 01 01 00 It To a ***** of andirons 00 24 00 It To an old driping pan and an old Skimmer & 2 fining pott and a grater 00 23 26 It To a warnring pan and 2 Earthen posts 00 28 26 It To 4 Trays and 3 kellers and a Cheese fatt 00 10 00 It To 3 Chests ., of them being Small and nine old Chares allo I 04 00 It To old Toules and an old Saddle and bridle all 01 07 00 It To 2 ***** of pinchers and 2 hammers and 4 alls and 6 fishing trucks and line 00 27 00 It To 2 old plow Chaines and a Iron barr and a ***** of old plough Irons all 01 01 00 It To a ***** of Cupples and a halfe peck all 00 02 26 It To one duz of napkins and 2 Table Cloths and a Looking glass 01 08 00 It To a 71' of markeing Irons and a Small putter bottle and a Cow bell all 00 23 26 It To a greet Ironf and an old Sword 00 05 00 It To a Churn and a Runlitt and 2 glass bottles 00 26 00 It To pouder and Shoot and flents all 00 05 00 It To Cashoz 10 00 It To all his wareing Aparrill both Lining and woofing 10 00 00;407 14 00 rt more found sence one pichforke 000 01 00 wee whose names are under written being Chossen by mr nlliam pabody Son to the Decessed mr peabody to Inventory Che Estate ofthe deceased mr Pabody, have as above written prised it according to The best of our under Standing ntness our hands the30 th day of December 1707 John Palmer Edward: Richmond* Sic- Gndiron ?134 William Pabodie's Will and Inventory. Bristoll ss In Little Compton febry 27 th: 1707 mrs Elizabeth Pabodie & her son william Pabodie Executors of the last will & Testament of mr william Pabodie late of sd Little Compton Deceased Appeared before Nathal Byfield Esqr Judge of Probate of wills & c within the County of Bristoll & made Oath that the Inventory on the other side is the whole of the Estate the sd Deceased Dyed seazed of and is Come to their Knowledge & when they know of more they will Reveale it bring it to the Register John Cary Regr N Byfield March ye 3 d 1707/8: In ye 2 d Bookfolio 195 the above written is Entered By John Cary Regr [EXECUTOR'S ACCOUNT.*]

The Accompt of william Pabodie of Little compton Executor of the last will and Testament of mr william Pabodie late of sd Little compton Deceased The said accomptant Chargeth hunself with the Inventory of sd Estate upon Record which Amounts to the sum of the Executor saith that He hath Received no Adition to the same by any debts Received The Accomptant desireth allowance for the payment of funerall Charges & Legacies-viz: To Sister Mary 00 00 10 To sister Mercey 00 CI 0 To sister Martha 00 01 0 To sister Prissilla 00 01 0 To sister Sarah 00 01 0 To sister Ruth 00 01 0 To Hanah my sister 00 00 10 To sister Lidiah 00 00 10 To the heir of sister Elizabeth 00 00 10 To the husband of sister Rebeca 00 00 10 To the doctor 02 28 0 To digging the grave 00 26 0 To gravestones 0 23 To the inventory 00 00 s 0 To proving the will 00 15 6 To Recording the will 00 04 0 To one Rate To three gallons of Rumn 00 12 To the Coffin 00 00 ; 0 william pabodie* Transcribed from the original document.

Barnstable, Mass., Vital Records. 135 Bristol ss William Paybodye personally appearing before me Nathat Byfield Esqr Judge of the probate of Wills & Granting Admin. within Sd County of Bristol made oath to this Account that it is a Just & true Accot of his Administration of the Estate of his Father Wm Paybody deceased which being Examined is approved of and ordered to be of Record in Bristol this 7 th day of Septr 1709 N Byfield Entered in ye 2 d Book folio: 268 & 269: septr 13 th 1709 By John Cary Regr William, who grew up in Duxbury, Mass., is referred to invarious documents of the period as a yeoman, boatman, planter, and wheelwright. He was also a land surveyor. On Nov. 1, 1648, four years after he was married, he bought from John Holland and Hopestill Foster of Dorchester, Mass., a dwelling house, garden, stables, land and meadow. He later bought additional tracts of land in Mattapoisett and Sepecan. At one point, on Oct. 27, 1680, he adjusted a boundary line between his lands and those of Mrs. Sarah Parke and William Brewster. He served as a Duxbury town officer and as a representative or deputy to the General Court at Plymouth, being repeatedly elected to the court from 1654 to 1663, then again in 1668, and continuously from 1671 to 1682. He was admitted a freeman of the colony June 5, 1651. About 1684, he removed to Little Compton, then in Massachusetts but now in Rhode Island, where he had acquired ashare in lands. Thus he established in Rhode Island what has come to be known as the Rhode Island branch of the Peabody family. He died Dec. 13, 1707, in Little Compton. His widow survived for almost 10 years, dying May 31, 1717, in Little Compton.


"He [William] came out of England & settled first at Plymouth; afterwards removed & was among the first Settlers of Saconet or Little Compton perhaps about 1680. For many years he kept up the Lordsday Worship in his house where most of the settlers attended -- by praying Reading & singing: till about 1700 when they got a preacher. He was a very pious and exemplary Man: became Deacon of the Chh. He always sat with the Minister in the pulpit (tho' not as Elder). He was with his son Wm in the Foundation of the Chh in Saconet at its Gathering in 1704. Of which Chh he himself & afterwards his son William Pabodie — & afterwards his Grandson Wm Paboide (& I think another Grandson, viz. Joseph Pabodie) were Deacons. They are all dead. But another of his Grandsons, viz. Benjamin Pabodie, born 1717 is now living an exemplary Deacon of the first congregational Chh in Newport Rh. Island: from whom I [Ezra Stiles] have this Account" (Stiles Diary, 1:150).

William Pabodie was listed at Duxbury as a male "able to bear arms" (between the age of 16 and 60) in August 1643 (PCR, 8:187). He was an original proprietor of Bridgewater in 1645 and was admitted a Freeman of the colony on 5 June 1651 (PCR, 2:154, 167; Gen Dict RI, 141). In 1648 he purchased for £70 the 80-acre homestead in Duxbury which had formerly belonged to Jonathan Brewster from John Holland and Hopestill Foster of Dorchester (Plymouth Col LR, 11:1:43 in MD, 2:93-94).

In 1669 William was one of the first proprietors of Freetown, purchasing the fourteenth lot (Plymouth Col LR, 3:1:151-52; MD, 41:15) but exchanging it for land elsewhere (Freetown Hist, 6). He was a proprietor of Saconett (Little Compton) in 1675, but he remained in Duxbury where he was a selectman and town clerk for 18 years and where he recorded the births of all of his children (MD, 1:163). He called himself of Duxbury, "planter," when be sold 30 acres in Duxbury "lying neare namasakisit" in 1672 (MD, 32:101-102). William Pabody of Duxbury is included on a list of the early land owners in Little Compton on 29 April 1675 (TAG, 61:133).

In 1679 William Pabodie of Duxborrow, planter, exchanged his half of 2/5 of the 2nd lot at Saconet, which he owned in common with Constant Southworth, for the 9th lot in the possession of William Southworth (Bristol Co LR, 1:296). On 5 July 1683 Benjamin Church of Bristol and William Pabodie of Little Compton exchanged houselots in the first division of Little Compton, and William Pabodie sold the 6th, 8th, and 9th lots in Little Compton to John Woodman on 5 December 1688 (Bristol Co LR, 2:146; 1:85). William Fobes assigned a deed to William Pabody and Ichabod "Wrisenall" on 14 May 1683. Philip Tabor sold land in weskanaugh to William Pabody on 12 November 1685 and Pabody assigned the same land to Edward Southworth and William Fobes (his sons-in-law] on 28 January 1685/6 (Land and Notarial Records of RI, 3:222-23 in Rhode Island Roots, 14:87). On 6 September and 18 November 1686 William bought land in the 3/4 Mile Square [which had been laid out to 32 different purchasers and which was formerly the reservation of Awashonks, Queen of the Sogonates -bounded on the east by the great main road and on the west by the Sakonet River (Little Compton Farns, 436-39)1 from Capt. Benjamin Church and Daniel Greenel, and on 3 October 1686 he exchanged land with Daniel Wilcock for another lot in 3/4 Mile Square (Bristol Co LR 2: 271-72, 278). On 13 March 1688/9 William sold Lot 52 in the second division of houselots in Little Compton to Anthony Colomer, and a reproduction of this deed with William's autograph signature is printed in MD, 17:129.

William Pabodie served on the grand jury in June 1648 and was receiver of excise in June 1650. In March 1655 he served on a jury that found John Walker guilty of manslaughter "by chance medley." In 1657, 1660, and 1662 he served on committees laying out land and roads. In October 1665 his committee attended to rebuilding the bridge over Jones River. On 27 June 1667 William was granted "the remainder of that land he paid for, being a parcel of poor hilly barren land." To satisfy a debt of £7 from William and Moses Numaker, William Pabodie received lands on 1 July 1672. He was on the coroners jury in June 1673 and was on committees hearing complaints from persons to whom the Colony was indebted in July 1677 and to apportion tax rates in 1681. In June 1680 he and two others bound out Talamanuck's one thousand acres at Saconnett and in October 1681 ran the line between lands of Saconnett and Punckateeset to the Dartmouth bounds. On 3 March 1686 William and partners bought lands at Saconnet Neck for £75 from Awashunk, Squaw Sachem. He was a selectman in both Duxbury and Little Compton in 1668, 1672-1675, 1680, 1684 and a Deputy to the General Court in 1654-1663, 1670-1677, and 1679-1682 (PCR, 3:77, 49, 115, 135, 162, 187, 198, 214; 4:14, 37; GenDictRi, 141).

William Pabodie of Little Compton, husbandman, gave for "affection to my grandson William Simmons of Little Compton," the 24th and 34th lots and 1/4 of the first lot in Little Compton on 21 June 1700 (Bristol Co LR, 3:157). He made a similar gift to his daughter Sarah and her husband John Coe of Boston of three small parcels in Little Compton on 18 February 1685, and one to his daughter Lydia and her husband Daniel Grinnell dated 1 January 1687/8 for "80 acres of land in Little Compton in the sixth great lott"(Bristol Co LR, 1:226, 3:3).

In his will of 13 May 1707, William Pabodie of Little Compton, "for the settleing & Continueing peace in my family and amongst my Children after my Decease do order my estate in the world as followeth," to his wife (not named) all the housing and lands the part of in Little Compton called the "three quarters of a mile square," the east end of the house for the term of her widowhood, all household stuff except one set of green curtains already given to daughter "Lidea Greenil," all of the livestock, money and the bills; if she remarried she was only to receive her dower thirds. His only surviving son, William, had received some property by deed of gift and was to receive the whole of the housing and lands in Little Compton after his mother's death, as well as all of the books not otherwise disposed of. Grandsons Stephen Southworth, son of daughter Rebecah deceased, and William and John Pabodie, Sons of William, receved the one third of the land at "weskanauge westward of the town of Providence in Rhod Island...not as yet bound out nor Divided Namely one whole share I purchased of Philip Taber [in a deed dated 12 November 1685]," and two thirds of the land in the same area bought by son-in-law William "Foabs" from Shuball Painter on 8 March 1682 and then signed over to son-in-law Ichabod Wiswall and himself. The other two shares of the Taber land had been sold to sons-in-law Edward Southworth and William Fobes, and the other third of the Painter land was sold to Edward Southworth. Pabodie gave one shilling each to his "naturall" daughters (i.e. legitimate biological daughters as opposed to daughters-in-law) Mary, Mercey, Martha, Priscilla, Ruth, Sarah, Hannah, Lidia, the heirs of daughter Elizabeth, and the heirs of daughter Rebecah. The widow and son were named executors and the will was witnessed by John Woodman, Peter Taylor, and Samuel Willbore. Witnesses were sworn on 27 February 1707(18] and on that day bond was given by "m" Elizabeth Pabodie and her son william Pabodie."

The inventory of William's estate, taken on 30 December 1707, was valued at £407.14.00, most of which was the 70 acres of undescribed land valued at £315. The share of land at "washquanoug" was not valued. The will was recorded 1 March 1707[/8] and William Pabodie filed an executor's account on 7 September 1709 in which be lists legacies paid to "sisters" Mary, Mercey, Martha, Prissilla, Sarah, Ruth, Hannah, and Lidiah; to "the heirs of sister Elizabeth"; and to "husband of sister Rebecca" (Bristol Co PR, 2:193-94, 268-69, 295; MD, 6:129-35 reproduces entire text of will and inventory; Bristol PR Abstracts, 1:39).


  1. Pabodie, John
    1. Harper, Isabel
      1. Pabodie, Thomas
      2. Peabody, Francis
      3. Pabodie, William
        1. Alden, Elizabeth
          1. Pabodie, John
          2. Peabody, Elizabeth
          3. Pabodie, Mary
          4. Pabodie, Mercy
          5. Pabodie, Martha
          6. Pabodie, Priscilla
          7. Pabodie, Priscilla
          8. Pabodie, Sarah
          9. Pabodie, Ruth
          10. Pabodie, Rebecca
          11. Pabodie, Hannah
          12. Pabodie, William
          13. Pabodie, Lydia
      4. Pabodie, Annis


Source References

  1. Woodworth-Barnes, Esther Littleford: Mayflower Families Through Five Generations
      • Page: 16:1:23-26