
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Whitson. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth Death
Alice Viola 1898-06-12 1992
Daniel Ball 1888-03-13 1955-12-31
George Park 1884-07-12 1964-02-08
Jay 1889-03-26 1976-10-01
Jean George 1913-04-15 1981
Leo Wallace 1916-12-12 1916-12-22
Mary Caroline 1890-05-22  
Norris Riley 1913-11-07 1977-12-22
Ora Keene 1892-03-18 1947-07-05
Theodore Davis 1894-12-12 1929-02-02
Wallace Smith 1886-05-15 1950-04-16
William Howard 1900-07-11 JUN
Wilzue 1850-07-10 1928-12-12