Whitson, Wilzue

Birth Name Whitson, Wilzue
Gender male
Age at Death 78 years, 5 months, 2 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 1850-07-10 Lancaster County, Pa.  
Death 1928-12-12 Council Bluffs, IOWA  


    Family of Whitson, Wilzue and Smith, Eliza Sarah
Married Wife Smith, Eliza Sarah ( * 1859-08-12 + 1944-06-19 )
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage 1883-04-19 Omaha, Neb.  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Whitson, George Park1884-07-121964-02-08
Whitson, Wallace Smith1886-05-151950-04-16
Whitson, Daniel Ball1888-03-131955-12-31
Whitson, Jay1889-03-261976-10-01
Whitson, Mary Caroline1890-05-22
Whitson, Ora Keene1892-03-181947-07-05
Whitson, Theodore Davis1894-12-121929-02-02
Whitson, Alice Viola1898-06-121992
Whitson, William Howard1900-07-11JUN


Wilzue was a part of William Whitson's family lived from late1850's till about 1865 near Mifflin town (Juanita County) Penn.Returned to Lancaster County to a small farm (40 acres) themmoved to Mishawaka, Indiana as one of 4 minor children of WmWhitson. Worked for Uncle Joseph in farm machinery fastory andlater Studebacker Wagon Company in 1875 with several mounths outin 1873 when he visited land (160A) in Iowa for which his fatherhad traded his equity in 40 acres in a 40 acres farm inLancaster County, Penn. The Iowa land was unbroken prarie,without buildings, fences, or trees 14 miles east of CouncilBluffs, Iowa. He first farmed this as a tennant beginng in 1875,later bought it and sold a detached 40 and later bought 120 morefor a total of 240 acres. Planted many trees, cottonwood,walnut, maple, some boxelderand a larger than normal orchard.Built more than average of buildings onit an raised and fattenedmore than average number of cattle and hogs. Many buildings arestill standing today (1992). Married Lizzie Smith, who wascourted while teaching a nearby 1 room school.


    1. Whitson, Wilzue
      1. Smith, Eliza Sarah
        1. Whitson, George Park
        2. Whitson, Wallace Smith
        3. Whitson, Daniel Ball
        4. Whitson, Jay
        5. Whitson, Mary Caroline
        6. Whitson, Ora Keene
        7. Whitson, Theodore Davis
        8. Whitson, Alice Viola
        9. Whitson, William Howard