
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Bills. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth Death
Annie Mae 1893-11-06 1955-11-03
Arthur Clinton 1898-06-01 1970-07-30
Arthur Theodore 1946-03-14 1957-07-02
Beverly Jo 1950-08-18 1950-08-18
Cary Deloss 1871-04-12 1966-01-04
Cleo about 1923 about 1923
Delbert Raymond 1903-01-20 1987-10-15
Dennis Lee 1951-01-22 1951-01-22
Elsie Perl 1897-06-24 1941-12-01
Helen Theo 1908-10-01 1908-10-01
James Wesley 1866-07-01 1944-09-09
Joseph Wesley 1897-10-14 about 1919
Lottie Blanche 1895-05-04 1982-12-15
Mildred Iona 1930-09-02 1930-09-03
Orval Dennis 1905-06-20 1957-05-30
Orval Dennis 1905-06-20 1957-05-30
Orval LaVerne 1934-01-13 1979-09-22
Raymond LaVerne 1929-01-11 1952-05-09
Robert James 1957-08-26 1957-08-26
Robert Owen 1927-08-27 1927-08-27
William Samuel 1894-10-09 1971-11-04