
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Roosevelt. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth Death
Alice Lee 1884-02-12 1980
Anna (Bamie) 1855 1931
Anna Eleanor 1884-10-11 1962-11-07
Corinne 1861 1933
Cornelius Van Schaack 1794 1871
Elliott 1860 1894
Franklin Delano 1882-01-30 1945-04-12
Isaac 1790-04-21 1863-10-23
James 1828-07-16 1900-12-08
Quentin 1897 1918-08-00
Silas Weir 1823 1870
Theodore 1858 1919-01-06
Theodore III 1887 1944
Theodore Sr. 1831 1878