No title - ID S1038
Author | Pope, Charles Henry |
Publication information | Reprinted Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. |
Records not imported into SOUR (source) Gramps ID S1038:
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Key | Value |
TYPE | Book |
- Toppan, John
- Gerrish, Abigail
- Birth, Goodridge, Jeremiah
- Death, Kent, Richard
- Swan, John
- Lowell, Joseph
- Goodridge, William
- Birth, Lowell, Benjamin
- Goodridge, Joseph
- Goodridge, Jeremiah
- Birth, Toppan, John
- , Swan, Richard
- , Lowell, John
- Linen draper
- Kent, Richard
- Gerrish, Anna
- Toppan
- Goodridge, Benjamin
- Marriage, Family of Nelson, Philip and Lowell, Elizabeth
- Swan, Robert
- Toppan, Isaac
- Birth, Gerrish, Judith
- Birth, Lowell, Joseph
- Immigration, Kent, Richard
- Burial, Swan, Richard
- Woodman, Sarah
- Birth, Lowell, Thomas
- Swan, Faith
- Gerrish, William
- Gerrish, Moses
- Death, Lowell, John
- Birth, Swan, Robert
- Gerrish, Benjamin
- Swan, Richard
- Birth, Gerrish, Benjamin
- Partridge, John
- Seaman in 1659
- Marriage, Family of Lowell, John and Goodale, Elizabeth
- , Ann
- Birth, Toppan, Susanna
- Birth, Gerrish, Anna
- Gerrish, Mary
- Burial, Spofford, Anna
- Gerrish, Judith
- Baptism, Woodman, Edward Sr.
- Spofford, Anna
- Birth, Goodridge, Benjamin
- Birth, Gerrish, William
- Birth, Olliver, John
- Lowell, Thomas
- Death, Beachena, Elizabeth
- Birth, Swan, Mercy
- Toppan, Abraham
- Toppan, Susanna
- Merchant
- Birth, Gerrish, Moses
- Toppan, Abraham
- Lowell, John
- Goodale, Susanna
- Birth, Goodridge, Joseph
- Birth, Lowell, Elizabeth
- Lowell, Benjamin
- Death, Goodridge, William
- Kent, John
- Death, Goodale, Susanna
- , Olliver, John
- Woodman, Edward Sr.
- Death, Spofford, Anna
- Marriage, Family of Kent, John and Woodman, Sarah
- Birth, Swan, Faith
- Goodale, Joanna
- Lowell, Elizabeth
- Death, Toppan, Abraham
- Beachena, Elizabeth
- Death, Olliver, John
- Marriage, Family of Swan, Richard and , Ann
- Birth, Gerrish, Mary
- Death, Toppan
- Death, Goodale, Joanna
- Baptism, Swan, John
- Birth, Gerrish, Abigail
- Nelson, Philip
- Swan, Mercy
- Olliver, John
- Goodale, Elizabeth