No title - ID S0004
Rowley, MA Vital Records
- Birth, Nelson, Elizabeth
- Death, Bradstreet, Moses
- Birth, Nelson, Hannah
- Birth, Nelson, Philip
- Birth, Burbank, Martha
- Nelson, Jane
- Nelson, Ruth
- Death, Kilborne, Mary
- Searle, Caleb
- Birth, Nelson, John
- Bailey, Richard
- Nelson, Sarah
- Nelson, Hannah
- Marriage, Family of Emerson, Robert and Grant, Ann
- Nelson, Hannah
- Searle, Lois
- Searle, Jeremiah
- Nelson, Aaron
- Searle, David
- Nelson, Solomon
- Nelson, David
- Bennett, Mary
- Burbank, Lydia
- Birth, Elithorpe, Abigail
- Hopkinson, Ann
- Bradstreet, Moses
- Nelson, Apphia
- Death, Stewart, Duncan
- Nelson, Sarah
- Barker, Barzillai
- Nelson, Jonathan
- Birth, Searle, David
- Dickinson, George
- Birth, Platts, Sarah
- Birth, Nelson, Elizabeth
- Birth, Dickinson, Rebechah
- Nelson, Mehitable
- Searle, Unice
- Birth, Nelson, Elizabeth
- Birth, Nelson, Lucy
- Searle, Tryphena
- Searle, William
- Nelson, Hannah
- Birth, Nelson, Thomas III
- Death, Harriman, Jonathan
- Nelson, Mary
- Nelson, Elizabeth
- Marriage, Family of Burbank, Caleb and Acie, Hannah
- Birth, Nelson, Jonathan
- Birth, Nelson, Apphia
- Northend, Elizabeth
- Nelson, Gershom
- Nelson, Elizabeth
- Marriage, Family of Burbank, Caleb and Garfield, Lydia
- Birth, Nelson, Hannah
- Grant, Ann
- , Jemima
- Death, Burbank, Caleb
- Bennett, David
- Death, Stewart, Charles
- Nelson, Francis
- Birth, Nelson, Sarah
- Nelson, Hannah
- Harriman, Jonathan
- Nelson, Hannah
- Nelson, John
- Nelson, Jonathan
- Dickinson, Samuel
- Birth, Hopkinson, Ann
- Dickinson, Rebechah
- Birth, Searle, Jeremiah
- Nelson, Elizabeth
- Birth, Dickinson, James
- Searle, David
- Death, Acie, Hannah
- Stewart, Duncan
- Birth, Searle, Jonathan
- Birth, Nelson, Jeremiah
- Birth, Nelson, Nathaniel
- Searle, John
- Burbank, Caleb
- Birth, Nelson, Hannah
- Birth, Nelson, David
- Marriage, Family of Searle, William and Nelson, Jane
- Birth, Nelson, Mehitable
- Death, Stickney, Elizabeth
- Birth, Burbank, Caleb
- Kilborne, Mary
- Burial, Mighill, Ann
- Birth, Dickinson, George
- Stewart, Charles
- Birth, Hazen, Sarah
- Birth, Nelson, Elizabeth
- Burbank, Caleb
- Birth, Burbank, John
- Nelson, Mercy
- Hazen, Sarah
- Nelson, Joseph
- Birth, Nelson, Anne
- Birth, Searle, Lois
- Birth, Dickinson, Samuel
- Birth, Nelson, Jeremiah
- Birth, Nelson, Elizabeth
- Nelson, Jeremiah
- Birth, Searle, William
- Birth, Nelson, Aaron
- Harriman, Margaret
- Nelson, Jemima
- Birth, Nelson, Jonathan
- Birth, Nelson, Sarah
- Birth, Nelson, Elizabeth
- Searle, William
- Birth, Nelson, Joseph
- Garfield, Lydia
- Nelson, Jeremiah
- Elithorpe, Abigail
- Nelson, Anne
- Birth, Harriman, Jonathan
- Death, Nelson, Apphia
- Death, Stewart, John
- Searle, Jonathan
- Death, Garfield, Lydia
- Birth, Nelson, Martha
- Mighill, Ann
- Hazen, Jane
- Birth, Nelson, Solomon
- Nelson, Jeremiah
- Burbank, Martha
- Birth, Nelson, Abagail
- Clark, Sarah
- Stewart, John
- Birth, Nelson, Jemima
- Dickinson, James
- Emerson, Robert
- Nelson, Elizabeth
- Birth, Nelson, Jane
- Birth, Nelson, Gershom
- Birth, Nelson, Jonathan
- Nelson, Jeremiah
- Marriage, Family of Stewart, John and Clark, Sarah
- Nelson, Nathaniel
- Burbank, John
- Birth, Searle, John
- Birth, Nelson, Abigail
- Death, Hazen, John
- Birth, Searle, David
- Stickney, Elizabeth
- Birth, Nelson, Dorothy
- Birth, Nelson, Jeremiah
- Death, Barker, Barzillai
- Birth, Nelson, Francis
- Bennett, Rebecca
- Birth, Garfield, Lydia
- Nelson, Thomas III
- Birth, Bennett, Mary
- Birth, Nelson, Mercy
- Nelson, Hannah
- Nelson, Elizabeth
- Platts, Sarah
- Birth, Bennett, William
- Birth, Nelson, Samuel
- Birth, Nelson, Joseph
- Marriage, Family of Stewart, John and Harriman, Margaret
- Death, Nelson, Mehitable
- Birth, Nelson, Ruth
- Dickinson, Elizabeth
- Birth, Searle, Jane
- Birth, Bennett, Rebecca
- Birth, Burbank, Lydia
- Death, Bailey, Richard
- Nelson, Philip
- Death, Harriman, Margaret
- Elithorpe, Margaret
- Marriage, Family of Harriman, Jonathan and Elithorpe, Margaret
- Searle, Jonathan
- Birth, Nelson, Hannah
- Birth, Nelson, Mary
- Nelson, Joseph
- Birth, Nelson, Nehemiah
- Searle, David
- Birth, Nelson, Hannah
- Birth, Searle, Caleb
- Birth, Nelson, Hannah
- Tenney, Thomas
- Birth, Hazen, Jane
- Nelson, Nehemiah
- Hazen, John
- Nelson, Dorothy
- Birth, Searle, Unice
- Acie, Hannah
- Nelson, Moses
- Winchurst, Ann
- Nelson, Abagail
- Birth, Dickinson, Elizabeth
- Birth, Searle, Jonathan
- Birth, Bennett, David
- Nelson, Martha
- Searle, Jane
- Bennett, William
- Birth, Acie, Hannah
- Birth, Searle, Tryphena
- Nelson, Abigail
- Birth, Burbank, Caleb
- Death, , Jemima
- Nelson, Elizabeth
- Nelson, Samuel
- Birth, Bradstreet, Moses
- Birth, Searle, David
- Death, Nelson, Sarah
- Marriage, Family of Tenney, Thomas and Northend, Elizabeth
- Nelson, Jonathan
- Birth, Nelson, Moses
- Birth, Nelson, Jeremiah
- Death, Winchurst, Ann
- Death, Nelson, Joseph
- Nelson, Lucy