!Source: "Vital Records of Upton, Massachusetts to the End ofthe Year 1849", pp. 118, 172. Also identifies grandchild asAbigail Dean (e?) Nelson, d. of son Levi.!Source: "Descendants of Job Tyler" by W. I. Tyler Brigham, vol.I, p. 102. Identifies her as Abigail Dean vice Deane lendingpossible connection to Dedham MA Deans.!Family: I have placed her as the daughter or Dr. JosiahDeane/Dean of Upton and Abigail Richards of Dedham for thefollowing reasons: (1) None of the births of their children arerecorded in the town records of Upton, Dedham, Grafton, Mendon,Norton, Northbridge, Taunton, Uxbridge, Hopkinton, Milford, orWestborough MA. Although there are many more towns which couldbe checked, these are the towns associated with the tworespective families. I must, however, check Rowley again to besure. (2) Marriage of Josiah and Abigail: intentions posted inUpton, performed in Dedham. (3) Deaths of Josiah, Abigail, andat least one of their children are recorded in Upton. (4)Abigail Richards' given name; Abigail Deane Nelson was probablythe oldest child. (5) The Taunton branch of the Deane/Deanfamily tends to use the "e" whereas the Dedham branch does not.This is a matter of signatures, not the whim of the recordingclerk, although the clerks have confused the issue. I will beconsistent in the use of the "e" in following the Deane family.