Shatswell, John

Birth Name Shatswell, John
Gender male
Age at Death 49 years, 1 month


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 1598 Ipswich, Suffolk, England  
Death 1647-02-00 Ipswich, Suffolk, MA  


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Shatswell, John15741645/6-02-11 (Julian)
Mother Dillingham, Judith15781648-04-17
         Shatswell, John 1598 1647-02-00
    Brother     Shatswell, Theophilus 1599 1663-08-17
    Sister     Shatswell, Margaret 1599
    Sister     Shatswell, Sibyl (Elizabeth) 1601 1638-10-16
    Brother     Shatswell, Richard 1602 1638-10-01
    Sister     Shatswell, Mary about 1605 1694-04-26
    Brother     Shatswell, Curwin 1608


    Family of Shatswell, John and , Joanna
Unknown Partner , Joanna ( * + ... )


John and Johanna Shatswell came to Ipswich in 1633. He was oneof the first to erect a house for himself, and was appointed asurveyor of the land upon which others built. His homestead isstill in possession of his descendants, and has never been outof the name. The lands granted to John Shatswell in 1635 in 1635, are foundrecorded by the Clerk in 1635, April 20, as follows: 'April 20, 1635. Their was granted to John Shatswell, about sixacres of ground uppon percell whereof the said John Shatswellhath built an house, lying betweene Mr. Wades house lott on theEast, and Mr. ffirmans on the west, hauving goodman websterhouse lotte on the North east. Also a percell of land part marshpart upland, containing twenty-five acres in the whole, lyingBetween Mr Dudley's toward the Southland humphrey Bradstreettowards the North. Also a ffarme containing two hundred acreslying beyond the North commonly called Egypt River, adjoying tothe bounds of Newbery.' John Shatswell's will was proved 30 March 1646 and was recordedas follows: Feb. 1, 1646. The Last will and Testament of me Joh Satchwell ofIpswich, though weak in body yet in perfect sence and memory,doe comend my Soul to God who gave it, and my body to ye dustwhence it was at first, till the resurrection which I doeexpect. And for my Estate I give to my Sonne Richard all my Houses andLand with their appertenances except that part of the 25 acreLott, from the uper end of the plowd land and soe downward tothe sea, and sixteen acres of pasture beyond Muddy River, partof the Ox pasture toward Rowley, which parcels of land I give toJohan my wife, during her natural Life, and to her Issue if Shehave any, and for want of such Issue. Then to return to Richard,my Sonne, his heirs and assigns: further, it is hereby provided and my Will is, That Johan, mywife, shall have the use of my Houses, Barn, Cow-House. Orchard,half my particular (?) during her natural life, or untill shecan conveniently provide otherwise for herself. And my will is. that if Richard shall not marry with RebeccaTuttle, which is now intended, Then my Wife shall have her beingin the House, as is before mentioned, during her life, unlessshe see good to dispose of her Self otherwise, But in case mySonne Richard should decease without Issue lawfully begotten ofhis body, Then my will is that all that Estate that is not gibento his wife, by joynture, shall return to Johan, my wife, ifthen living, and if both depart this life without Issue, then mywill is. That such Estate of Land as remayne, should be equallydivided between my brother and sisters Children that are here inNew England. I doe hereby give to my brother Theophilus Satchwell my bestCloth Sute and Coate. To my brother Curwin my stuffe Sute. To my Sister Webster about Leaven yards of Stuff to make her aSute and alsoe a young Heiffer thought to be with calf. Farther I doe hereby make my wife Sole Execitrix and to receivewhat is due to me, and also to pay if I do owe anything to anythat is justly due. In Wittnesse of this my last Will and Testament I doe heretosett my hand the day and yeare first above written. These words (of Land as remayne) were interlined beforesubctription here of. John Satchwell Subscribed in the presence of Jonathan Wade, James How. This will was moved in Court Holden at Ipswich, 30th March,1647, upon the oath of Jonathan Wade and James Hoe. The inventory of the estate of John Shatswell mentions Land inEngland, 18; Carpet; Curtains; Valence; Matts and Cords, fourbible and several books. Source: 'Historical and Genealogical Shatswells of Ipswich., No1.', Augustine Caldwell, p 1-4. 'The New England Historical andGenealogical Register' Volume 150 April 1996, p 181, 185.


  1. Shatswell, John
    1. Dillingham, Judith
      1. Shatswell, John
        1. , Joanna
      2. Shatswell, Margaret
      3. Shatswell, Theophilus
      4. Shatswell, Sibyl (Elizabeth)
      5. Shatswell, Richard
      6. Shatswell, Mary
      7. Shatswell, Curwin
