Stickney, Samuel 1
Birth Name | Stickney, Samuel |
Gender | male |
Age at Death | 77 years, 9 months, 16 days |
Event | Date | Place | Description | Notes | Sources |
@N6777@ |
Birth | 1630/1-03-06 (Julian) | Cottingham, Yorkshire, England |
Death | 1709 | Bradford, Essex, MA |
Relation to main person | Name | Birth date | Death date | Relation within this family (if not by birth) |
Father | Stickney, William | before 1592-09-06 | 1665-01-25 | |
Mother | Dawson, Elizabeth | 1605/1606 | after 1678-09-24 | |
Stickney, Samuel | 1630/1-03-06 (Julian) | 1709 | ||
Brother | Stickney, Amos | 1635 | 1678-08-29 | |
Sister | Stickney, Mary | 1637 | ||
Brother | Stickney, John | 1640-01-14 | ||
Sister | Stickney, Faith | 1641-12-04 | ||
Brother | Stickney, Andrew | 1644-03-11 | 1727-04-29 | |
Brother | Stickney, Thomas | 1646-01-03 | 1714-07-17 | |
Sister | Stickney, Elizabeth | 1646-01-03 | 1659-12-04 | |
Sister | Stickney, Mercy | 1648-11-04 | 1676-01-14 | |
Brother | Stickney, Adding | 1648-11-04 | 1660-09-17 |
  |   | Family of Stickney, Samuel and Swan, Juliana | ||||||||||||||||||
Married | Wife | Swan, Juliana ( * 1633-02-15 + ... ) | ||||||||||||||||||
Children |
Name | Birth Date | Death Date |
Stickney, Elizabeth | 1661-05-09 | 1694-06-12 |
Stickney, Samuel | 1663-02-05 | |
Stickney, William | 1665-08-21 | |
Stickney, Sarah | 1667-10-20 | 1689-04-15 |
Stickney, William | 1674-01-27 |
Event | Date | Place | Description | Notes | Sources |
Marriage | 1674-04-06 | Bradford, Essex, MA |
3a |
Name | Birth Date | Death Date |
Stickney, Thomas | 1676/7-03-19 (Julian) | 1689-06-12 |
Stickney, Jonathan | 1679-02-11 |
SAMUEL STICKNEY, eldest son of William and Elizabeth, was bornin England in 1633 [See Dep. of Elizabeth Stickney and Samuelfollowing the Inventory of William Stickney at the end of theFirst Generation Section.]; m. 1st in Rowley, 2, 18, 1653,Julian Swan, who died in Bradford between the years 1670 and1673. He m. 2d in Bradford, April 6, 1674, Prudence (Leaver)Gage.SAMUEL STICKNEY came with his father first to Boston, thence toRowley, and lived with him till he was twenty-one years of age;he then received his portion of his fathers estate, and marriedJulian Swan. He soon after purchased of William Acie, afreehold, consisting of "land, dwelling-house and barn"originally laid out in 1643 to Thomas Leaver, on Holmes street,near his father-in-law, Richard Swans. It was bounded "on thesouth side by the common and the east end by the streete."Feb. 25, 1661-2. He rented with his father the half of severalparcels of land, Shatswells meadow and upland, of which, by theWill and on the decease of the Rev. Ezekiel Rogers, Jan. 23,1660, the Town had just come in possession.On a Tax List made between the years 1660 and 1664, of an amountof £46, 8s. 2d., his quota was 4s. 6d.He was Poundkeeper 1662-67.A lot was laid out to him in the division of Hog Island Marsh in1667.April 23, 1668, "Richard Swanne of Rowley" sells him also ofRowley for "three score and ten pounds" "all of two acre lottlaid out unto me in tract of land yt. was granted to be dividedby Town of Rowley, comonly called Merrimack land, 100 acres asit lyeth undivided together with 100 acres yt. was laid out toRobert Swann of Haverhill my son, his part lying north of mine,bounded south by land laid out unto John Shales now inpossession of Thos. Hardy, Jr., one end butting on MerrimackRiver the other on land laid out to Mrs. Mary Rogers as right ofThomas Barkers Merrimack land, as also a little parcell of landin a neck of land by my Crane Meadow, together with meadow laidout and belonging unto me on west side of Crane meadow Brooke,bounded by land of Ezekiel Northend, by meadow formerly layd outunto Francis Parrott now in ye possession of sd Ezekiel or hisson-in-law Joseph Bayley" Wit. Saml Brocklebank and Benj.Scott. [Essex Deeds, 30, 189.]March 11, 1669-70. He with wife Julian, of Rowley, "for 40pounds sell to Joseph Housley of the same Towne Batcheler, oneacre and a half be it more or less of areable land in the towneof Rowley, together with one dwelling house, barne, and orchardand fruit trees with easments of gardens, well or whateverprofitts and comodityes is thereon, bounded on the East by thetown streete, on the South on land and houshol of Edward Hazenand on the West by a swamp of the said Edw. Hazen, and upon thenorth syde by a house lott once belonging to John Trumbledeceased, and it was first layd out to Thomas Leaver but souldby William Acie to SAMUELL STICKNEY, the whole lot as it is nowbounded and described." Wit. Thomas Leaver and William Browne.Ack. May 9, 1682, by SAMUEL STICKNEY. [Ibid 4: 450.]In 1670 a lot was laid out to him in the Merrimack lands.At the expiration of his lease of seven years of the Rogersland, and the sale of his house in 1669-70, he with his wifeJulian removed to the Merrimack lands, where his wife probablydied between the years 1670 and 1673; for on the 25th day of the12th month of the year 1673 [See Essex Deeds, 4: 228] he entersinto a marriage contract with Prudence (Leaver) Gage, whom hemarried April 6, 1674.The settlement of the Merrimack lands, a part of Rowley, wascommenced by Rowley people in 1649. At a meeting held by themFeb. 20, 1668-9, the place was called Merrimack. Jan. 7, 1672-3,it was voted to call the town Bradford, and it was incorporatedabout 1675. The part where he settled was set off from Bradfordin 1850, and called Groveland.March, 1671. He purchased of Rowley two gates, he being then ofBradford. He was Selectman of Bradford 1671, 81, 82, 89, 91,93, 94 and 95. He gave surety Sept., 1674, to pay the portionof John Gage, the son of his wife Prudence by her formermarriage. He was a Constable in 1676. Took the "Oath ofFidelity" in Bradford, Dec. 16, 1678, before Capt. Saltonstall,and Dec. 10, 1678, the "Oath of Allegiance before Major GenllDenison Esq.," at Ipswich.Oct. 11, 1682. He took the "Freemans Oath" and was also thisyear one of a committee at the ordination of the "Rev. Mr.Sims." Dec. 27, 1682, a church was organized in Bradford, by thesignature of eighteen males to a Covenant, of which he was one.His wife Prudence was dismissed from the church in Haverhill,and admitted to this First Church in Bradford 7th of the 11thmonth, 1682-3. (His children were baptized before, in Rowley.)He was Surveyor of Highways and Fences, 1684, 1692, 1707-8.Nov. 29, 1686. He with Samuel Dresser convey to Matthew Perry 67acres of land lying in Boxford, and Oct. 13, 1693, SAMUELSTICKNEY and Prudence his wife ack. it to be their act. [EssexDeeds, 9: 160.]May 8, 1689 and Feb. 12, 1689-90. He was a Representative fromBradford. A sudden revolution had terminated Governor Androsadministration, and in its stead there was established "Acouncil for the safety of the people, and conservation of thepeace." They chose Mr. Bradstreet their President, and on the 2dof May they sent an order to the town of Bradford "to convenethe inhabitants and choose an able man as a delegate" to meetthem at Boston, on the 9th of May. Sixty-six persons, one ofwhom was SAMUEL STICKNEY, met, it appears, by the ColonialRecords, and confirmed the new Government.He is styled Lieutenant, on the Bradford records in 1691. He wasgrand Juryman April 13, 1697, and on Jury of Trials, 1701-8.Appointed Tythingman 1704.On file in the Essex Probate Office, enclosed in the Will ofJane Grant, is the following "Deposition of SAMUEL STICKNEY,Senior."I, SAMLL STICKNEY Sr of Bradford do testifie & say that Icame over from England to New-England in the same ship wthThomas Grant & Jane Grant his wife, who brought over wth them,Four children by name: John, Hannah, Frances, & Ann, whome I waswell acquainted with, & next or near neighbor unto in Rowley.And ye said John being deceased, I do affirm that the Sisters ofJohn Grant above named, now by marriage known by ye names ofHannah Browne, Frances Keyes, & Ann Emerson, and ye same ytcame over wth their Father & Mother & by them owned wth saidJohn for their children. Taken upon Oath ye 20th, 1698 beforeme Nath. Saltonstall Justice of ye Peace."Jan. 28, 1703-4. "SAMUELL STICKNEY, Sr, of Bradford, yeoman,for & in Consideration of ye love I bear to my eldest SonneSAMUEL STICKNEY, Junr, for his dutifullness to me I doe for hisencouragement hereby give, grant, and freely bequeath unto mysaid Sonne Sixscore acers of land in ye Towne of Bradfordabovesaid near my now dwelling house, part of ye Tract of Land Idwell on ye North Side next to Wosters land & so throughout yelength of ye land, so broad as will amount to Sixscore acres &also one halfe of ye Mowing ground on ye other side of my Landto have halfe [word illegible] for quantity and quality lyingnext Tho. Hardyes Land and also all my right of Lands inRowley." Wit. William Worcester, Martha Worcester and AndrewStickney. "Lieut. SAMUEL STICKNEY, Sr. personally appeared InBradford this 7th of February 1703, & owned this above writtenInstrument to be his act & deed before me. Thomas Noyes, Justiceof Peace." [Essex Deeds, 16: 110, 111.]May 4, 1704. "SAMUEL STICKNEY, Senr, of Bradford, yeoman for &in consideration of love, goodwill & affection, which I have &doe bear to my Son William Stickney of ye Towne & Countyaforesaid. Have given & granted & doe by these present freely,clearly, absolutely, given, granted unto my said Son Fourscoreacres of Land or Thereabouts, in Bradford on the Southwest sideof my farm lying next to Thomas Harddys land which is part of yeTract of land I now dwell on, with halfe the Meadow & Mowingground that lyeth within the Same & also give unto my above sdson all my now dwelling house, and my barn the one halfe of myhouse to be possest on at present with ye abovesd.Land, the other halfe of my house, halfe of my [word illegible]after my decease only my wife to have the Improvement of halfesd. house during her Natural life. I also give unto my abovesd.Son halfe my upland & Meadow, which lyes in ye Bounds of Rowleycommonly called Crane Meadow," &c. Wit. Nathanial Walker, MaryWood, Rebekah Walker. "Bradford May ye 15, 1704, then Lieut.SAML STICKNEY & prudence his wife appeared before me NathlSaltonstall, One of Her Majties Justices of ye peace for Co. ofEssex & owned & ack. ye instrument on ye other side to be theirvoluntary act & deed, prudence his wife at same time manifestingher free consent thereto & according to ye custome of lawresigning up unto Grantee mentioned her right of Dower therein,as Attest Nathl Saltonstall." [Ibid, 21: 22, 90.]Lieut. SAMUEL STICKNEY died in Bradford in the year 1709. HisHomestead was bounded on the Merrimack River and ran back toRowley line, or what is at present Georgetown, and was situatedbetween the lots of Thomas Hardy on the Westerly side and SamuelWorsters on the Easterly side. He gave as will be seen by Deedsof Gift in 1703 and 1704, to his sons Samuel [12] and William[13] the homestead, William to have the house. Williams sonJeremiah [49] sold, in 1724, his fathers half to Thomas [39],son of Samuel, and to John Pemberton, whose part included theold Stickney house. John Pemberton sold his land and house in1743, to Samuel Stickney, [42] a brother of Thomas and son ofSamuel, Jr.Samuel Stickney, Jr. [12], tradition says, built a house on theland his father gave him by Deed of Gift in 1703, which byinheritance and purchase was owned by his son Thomas [39], about1730, who left it on his decease to his son, Capt. Thomas, Jr.[113], who made an addition to the old house when he married, in1761. He lived and died there, and after his widows death, in1815, Deacon Daniel [333] his son bought it, and immediatelysold it to Philip Tenney who did not conclude to live there butsold it to Aaron Atwood in 1820, who owned and occupied it till1830. It had other occupants until the spring of 1854 when itwas taken down; it was built of plank, with one end of brick,and was probably the second house on the Stickney lot.A portion of SAMUEL STICKNEY Seniors land is still owned by hisdescendants in the seventh generation, Moses and Abel Stickneyof Groveland.Prudence Stickney after the death of her husband, administeredon the estate of her son Jonathan Stickney, Sept. 6, 1714. Shedied in Bradford, Oct. 26, 1716, Æ 72 as appears by hergravestone, erected at the time and still standing in Bradfordgraveyard (1868). She left a Will dated August 30, 1716. "Beingthrough the infirmities of old age, and other tokens ofmortality very weak but of perfect mind &c.," "I give andbequeath to my well-beloved son John Gage of Bradford, whom Imake my only executor, all I now possess as Goods, householdstuffs, Cloathing, also a tract of land commonly called andknown by the name of the Chestnutt Country alias Nutfield, whichfalleth to me by the death of my Son Jonathan Stickneydeceased." Wit. David Kimball, Thomas Wood, John Boynton. ProvedNov. 19, 1716. [Essex Deeds, 11: 222.]
Source References
- Stickney, Matthew Adams: No title - ID S1048
Savage, James: No title - ID S0227
Source text:
p. 640
Source text:
Vol. 4, p. 675
Source text:
Vol. 4, p. 675
Source text:
Source text:
No title - ID S0237
Source text:
Haverhill 1:114
Source text:
Haverhill 1:112
Source text:
Haverhill 2:394
Source text:
Haverhill, p. 112
Source text:
Haverhill 1:299
Source text:
Salisbury, p. 165
Source text:
p. 335
Source text:
p. 207
Source text:
Haverhill 2:107
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