The Owosso Handle Factory, now controlled by Mason Wood & Co.,was established by Mason Wood and Charles Osborn in 1872. Theycontinued the business about six months, when finding that withtheir facilities could not successfully compete with others,operations were discontinued. Mr. Wood improved the lathes inuse, and again successfully engaged in the manufacture of allkinds of handles of irregular forms. He has since had severalpartners. In the fall of 1879, David Gould assumed an interest,and under the present firm name eight men are employed, and themost complete wood turning lathes in operation in the UnitedStates are daily turning out scores of perfect hickory handles.Axe-handles are a specialty, and their goods find ready sales inthe various States from Maine to Texas. On March 7, 1840, agroup of residents met in the home of Erastus Barnes with theRev. Mattoon present, to organize a Presbyterian church, thefirst organized church in Owosso "on the principle of totalabstinence from all intoxicating liquors as a beverage, andopposed to slavery." Those present who became members were:Austin Griffes & wife, Daniel Gould & wife, Ebenezer Gould, Jr.,Erastus Barnes & wife, Caroline Barnes, Charles Moses, RhodaGould, Caroline Leach. Charles L. Goodhue and George Parkhillpledged to get more letters from those who attended. AustinGriffes, Erastus Barnes and Daniel Gould were chosen RulingElders, and Austin Griffes was chosen Deacon. Meetings were heldin homes until the new frame two-room school house was builtwhere the Salem Lutheran Church now stands. Shiawassee County Business and Industry,