Cogswell, Joane

Birth Name Cogswell, Joane
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Cogswell, Robert1581-06-07
Mother , Alice1603-08-01
    Brother     Cogswell, Edward between 1615-06-23 and 1615-06-25
    Brother     Cogswell, Robert
    Brother     Cogswell, Richard
    Brother     Cogswell, Stephen
         Cogswell, Joane
    Sister     Cogswell, Margaret
    Sister     Cogswell, Margery
    Sister     Cogswell, Edith


  1. Cogswell, Robert
    1. , Alice
      1. Cogswell, Robert
      2. Cogswell, Richard
      3. Cogswell, Stephen
      4. Cogswell, Joane
      5. Cogswell, Margaret
      6. Cogswell, Margery
      7. Cogswell, Edith
      8. Cogswell, Edward
