Gov. William Bradford, the son of William Bradford and AliceHanson, was born in about 1590 and was baptized on Thursday, 19March 1590 o.s. in St. Helen's chapel, Austerfield, Yorkshire,England. He immigrated in 1620 to Plymouth, Plymouth county,Massachusetts. He died at the age of about 67 on Tuesday, 19 May1657 o.s. in Plymouth, Plymouth county, Massachusetts. William Bradford (aged about 33) married Alice (Carpenter)Southworth (aged about 33) on Thursday, 14 August 1623 o.s. inPlymouth, Plymouth county, Massachusetts. Alice (Carpenter) Southworth, the daughter of AlexanderCarpenter, was born in about 1590 and was baptized on Monday, 3August 1590 o.s. in Wrington [Wrentham], Somerset, England. Sheimmigrated in July 1623 to Plymouth, Plymouth county,Massachusetts. She died at the age of about 80 on Saturday, 26March 1670 o.s. in Plymouth, Plymouth county, Massachusetts.She was buried on Tuesday, 29 March 1670 o.s. in Plymouth,Plymouth county, Massachusetts.Their children were:Maj. William Bradford, born on Thursday, 17 June 1624 o.s. inPlymouth, Plymouth county, Massachusetts, died on Sunday, 20February 1704 o.s., buried in Burial Hill cemetery in Plymouth,Plymouth county, Massachusetts. He married Mary (Atwood) Holmesin 1677 in Plymouth, Plymouth county, Massachusetts. Mercy Bradford, born before 1627. She married Benjamin Vermayeson Thursday, 21 December 1648 o.s. in Plymouth, Plymouth county,Massachusetts. Joseph Bradford, born in 1630, died on Sunday, 10 July 1715 Kingston, Plymouth county, Massachusetts, buried in BurialHill cemetery in Plymouth, Plymouth county, Massachusetts. Hemarried Jael Hobart on Wednesday, 25 May 1664 o.s. in Hingham,Plymouth County, Mass.Gov. William Bradford, the son of WilliamBradford and Alice Hanson,was born in about 1590 and was baptized on Thursday, 19 March1590o.s. in St. Helen's chapel, Austerfield, Yorkshire, England. Heimmigrated in 1620 to Plymouth, Plymouth county, Massachusetts.Hedied at the age of about 67 on Tuesday, 19 May 1657 o.s. inPlymouth, Plymouth county, Massachusetts. William Bradford (aged about 33) married Alice (Carpenter)Southworth (aged about 33) on Thursday, 14 August 1623 o.s. inPlymouth, Plymouth county, Massachusetts. Alice (Carpenter) Southworth, the daughter of AlexanderCarpenter,was born in about 1590 and was baptized on Monday, 3 August 1590o.s. in Wrington [Wrentham], Somerset, England. She immigratedinJuly 1623 to Plymouth, Plymouth county, Massachusetts. She diedatthe age of about 80 on Saturday, 26 March 1670 o.s. in Plymouth,Plymouth county, Massachusetts. She was buried on Tuesday, 29March1670 o.s. in Plymouth, Plymouth county, Massachusetts. Their children were:Maj. William Bradford, born on Thursday, 17 June 1624 o.s. inPlymouth, Plymouth county, Massachusetts, died on Sunday, 20February 1704 o.s., buried in Burial Hill cemetery in Plymouth,Plymouth county, Massachusetts. He married Mary (Atwood) Holmesin 1677 in Plymouth, Plymouth county, Massachusetts. Mercy Bradford, born before 1627. She married Benjamin Vermayeson Thursday, 21 December 1648 o.s. in Plymouth, Plymouth county,Massachusetts. Joseph Bradford, born in 1630, died on Sunday, 10 July 1715 Kingston, Plymouth county, Massachusetts, buried in BurialHill cemetery in Plymouth, Plymouth county, Massachusetts. Hemarried Jael Hobart on Wednesday, 25 May 1664 o.s. in Hingham,Plymouth County, Massachusetts. (from Jim Burrows)=========================================================Will of William Bradford - The last Will and TestamentNunckupative of Mr William Bradford senir: Deceased May theNinth 1657 and exhibited to the court held att Plymouth June 3d1657 Mr William Bradford senir: being weake in body but in prfectmemory haveing Defered the forming of his Will in hopes ofhaveing the healp of Mr Thomas Prence therin; feeling himselfevery weake and drawing on to the conclusion of his mortall lifespake as followeth; I could have Desired abler then myselfe inthe Desposing of that I have; how my estate is none knowesbetter then youerselfe, said hee to Lieftenant Southworth; Ihave Desposed to John and William alreddy theire proportions ofland which they are possessed of; My Will is that my son Josepth bee made in some sort equall tohis brethern out of my estate; My further Will is that my Deare & loveing wife Allice Bradfordshalbee the sole Exequitrix of my estate; and for her futuremaintainance my Will is that my Stocke in the Kennebecke Trad bereserved for her Comfortable Subsistence as farr as it willextend and soe further in any such way as may bee Judged bestfor her; I further request and appoint my welbeloved Christian ffrinds MrThomas Prence Captaine Thomas Willett and Lieftenant ThomasSouthworth to be the Suppervissors for the Desposing of myestate according to the prmises Confiding much in theirefaithfulnes I comend unto youer Wisdome and Descretions some smale bookeswritten by my owne hand to bee Improved as you shall see meet;In speciall I Comend to you a little booke with a blacke coverwherin there is a word to Plymouth a word to Boston and a wordto New England with sundry usefull verses; These pticulars were expressed by the said William Bradford Govrthe 9th of May 1657 in the prsence of us Thomas Cushman ThomasSouthworth Nathaniell Morton; whoe were Deposed before the courtheld att Plymouth the 3d of June 1657 to the truth of theabovesaid Will that it is the last Will and Testament of theabovesaid Mr William Bradford senir. =========================================================