Obituary - Ella O. Cragin - Friday, August 14, 1987LACONIA - Ella O. Cragin, 89, formerly of 175 Winter St., diedWednesday in the Woodlawn Nursing Home, Newport, NH. She wasborn in Lempster, NH, Dec. 30 1897, the daughter of Charles andAnnie (Griffith) Cragin, and has lived there for 18 years. Sheresided here for 40 years. She was a 1918 graduate of RichardsHigh School in Newport and attended the Northfield (MA)Seminary. Miss Cragin was a registered nurse, a graduate of theWorcester City School of Nursing. She worked and taughtpediatrics in the Cook County Hospital, Chicago. She also workedat the University of Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia andSalem (MA) Hospital. Prior to her retirement, she was employedfor many years at the Lakes Region General Hospital.She was a member of the Laconia Button Club and a former memberof the Rebekahs. Survivors include a half-brother, Horace M.Cragin of East Lempster; two nephews and cousins. A memorialgraveside service will be held at 2:00 p.m. Aug. 23 in EastLempster Cemetery with the Rev. Lillian Warner officiating. TheNewton-Bartlett Funeral Home, Newport, NH is in charge ofarrangements. There are no calling hours.