Gaylord, Gordon Keith

Birth Name Gaylord, Gordon Keith
Gender male


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Gaylord, Warren Leander1894-02-061984-05-13
Mother Hansell, Nellie Grace1896-10-011979-08-10
    Brother     Gaylord, Carroll Hansell 1919-08-18 1922-04-15
    Brother     Gaylord, Lloyd Warren
         Gaylord, Gordon Keith


    Family of Gaylord, Gordon Keith and Medrano, Dolores
Unknown Partner Medrano, Dolores ( * + ... )
    Family of Gaylord, Gordon Keith and O'connor, Darlene Marie
Unknown Partner O'connor, Darlene Marie ( * + ... )


still living - details excluded


  1. Gaylord, Warren Leander
    1. Hansell, Nellie Grace
      1. Gaylord, Lloyd Warren
      2. Gaylord, Gordon Keith
        1. Medrano, Dolores
        2. O'connor, Darlene Marie
      3. Gaylord, Carroll Hansell
