Turquand, Martha 1

Birth Name Turquand, Martha
Gender female
Age at Death 40 years


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth 1723    
Death 1763    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Bennett, Williambefore 1692
Mother Goodale, Elizabeth
         Turquand, Martha 1723 1763


Martha inherited an annuity left by her grandmother, Mrs. Marin.She was but eighteen years old when she married, and had twelvechildren: James, Paul, Leonard, and six others died young; thethree survivors were Lydia, who married Mr. Pye, a landscapepainter, engraver, and drawing-master; Sarah, who married JosephStansbury; and Joshua, who sucdeeded his father as notary inPopes-head Alley, Cornhill. Martha the mother, died when Joshuawas fourteen months old, and he was reared mainly by his eldersister Sarah, who was the fourth child.


Type Value Notes Sources
_UID 876ABBF6B65EEE439AEA61399238DCD17CA9


  1. Bennett, William
    1. Goodale, Elizabeth
      1. Turquand, Martha


Source References

  1. Frederick Howard Wines: The Descendants Of John Stansbury Of Leominster