Harper, David R.

Birth Name Harper, David R.
Gender male
Age at Death 81 years, 5 months, 9 days


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Burial   Rockton Cemetery, Rockton, Winnebago, IL  
Birth 1821-08-17 St. Armands, Bedford, Canada  
Death 1903-01-26 Rockton, Winnebago, IL  


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Harper, Thomas H.1799-12-031893-02-07
Mother Chadbourne, Elizabeth1803-04-001866-10-27
         Harper, David R. 1821-08-17 1903-01-26
    Brother     Harper, William 1823-04-00 1855-10-29
    Sister     Harper, Abigail E. 1832
    Sister     Harper, Margaret A. 1835-05-11 1912-01-02
    Sister     Harper, Victoria 1839
    Sister     Harper, Arethusa before 1843


    Family of Harper, David R. and Parkhurst, Rebecca Rosalie
Married Wife Parkhurst, Rebecca Rosalie ( * 1830-10-15 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage 1869-09-07 Rockton, Winnebago, IL  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Harper, Thomas R.1872


Obituary of David Harper In the Rockton, IL HERALD, Thursday,Jan 29, 1903 - "ANSWERS SUDDEN SUMMONS"David R. Harper dies without warningD.R. Harper who had been quite ill with a hard cold but who wasconsidered out of danger, died suddenly Monday morning. His son,A.D. Harper, had gone in to see him, and he raised up in bed andtold him he was feelnig better; he then had a very hard coughingspell and suddenly expired.David R. Harper was born at St. Armands, Bedford Co., Canada,Aug 17, 1821, moving to Highgate, VT. at the age of 21, residingthere until the fall of 1852 when he came west and has sincemade his home in Rockton, dying Jan 26, 1903 at the ripe old ageof 81 years 5 months and 9 days. Mr. Harper was married about 33years ago to Mrs. Rebecca Osgood and to them was born two sons,Thomas R. and Albert D., who with their mother are left tomourn. Of Mr. Harper's immediate family of two brothers and fivesisters but two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Shepard and Miss AbigailE. Harper remain. The deceased was of a quiet retiring naturenever taking part in public affairs as much as some, but he wasa kind friend and neighbor and a loving husband and father, andwill be greatly missed by those in his immediate circle offriends. The funeral was held at his late home Wednesday afternoon at 2o'clock, the services being conducted by Rev., O.J. Simmons."


  1. Harper, Thomas H.
    1. Chadbourne, Elizabeth
      1. Harper, David R.
        1. Parkhurst, Rebecca Rosalie
          1. Harper, Thomas R.
      2. Harper, William
      3. Harper, Abigail E.
      4. Harper, Margaret A.
      5. Harper, Victoria
      6. Harper, Arethusa
