Last Will & Testament of Joseph Darby, Sr.I hereby give & bequeath to my sons LYMAN, THOMAS, JOSEPH,LUCIUS, CHAUNCEY, EDWIN and my daughters ANN & ASINATH & theheirs of their bodies, all the real estate that shall remainafter the decease of my said wife, which my said executor hasnot sold for the interest of the estate in his judgement, afterher decease & all & any purchases made by the executor, not usedfor payment of debts, charges, & legacies to carry out my will &all monies remaining after paying the funeral expenses of mysaid wife, if my estate has been exhausted, sold by my executorsfor the same, any remaining shall be divided among the heirs,executors, administraters in the following fashion. That is tosay - JOSEPH LUCIUS, CHAUNCEY, & EDWIN shall receive, the sum oftwo hundred & fifty dollars & each & every one of the exceptions(ANN & ASINATH) shall receive 166 dollars, so that thirteenhundred & thirty two dollars shall be received by the last sixchildren, over & above the legacies herein mentioned, beforeLYMAN & THOMAS or either of them shall receive anything. Anyremainder shall be divided among LYMAN, THOMAS, JOSEPH, LUCIUS,CHAUNCEY, EDWIN, ANN & ASiNATH in the following manner, that isto say, ANN& ASINATH shall receive two dollars for every three dollarsreceived by theboys. If any of the said children shall die without heirs oftheir bodies,the portion they would have received shall go into a generalfund to bedivided among any heirs or survivors, or shall be dividedwithout referenceto such as shall die in the proportions above mentioned. Anysurvivingheirs shall take the portion that would have been taken by theirparents inthe proportions mentioned above.