r8 (p. xv) William Goodwin's will is dated June 25, 1689, andhis inventory, October 15, 1689.r21 (p. 278) Freeman in 21 May 1657William Goodwin, the eldest known child of Ozias, was born about1629, as he testifies in September, 1674, that he was aged about45. "The Test of Wm Goodwin aged about 45 years Saith thattbeeing one night about the beginning of this last Hay-time inthe Lonf meadow with my brother Nath Goodwin and my Son WmGoodwin and having tarried there awhile att length Lt. JohnStedman came there with a Teame and Cartt and one or Two of hisSons and layed uppon his Cartt hay which stood betweene the merestones & the Brook which my said Brother forbid him to doe nottwith Standing which fforbiddinf he the said Lt. Stedman layed upmore my Brother forbid him Carrying itt away not with standingwhich he Carryed away the said hay and did moreover lay Claimeto land thereon the west ward side the mere stones there whichland my said Brother allso Claimmed. Wm Goodwin Junior aged 16 yeares Testifyeth the same with hisffather as above being then and theare present and ffurtherSaith thatt the sayd hay was mowed and made by his uncle NathGoodwin and his order.This owned by Lnt John Stedman In Court Sept 3 1674Attest John Allyn Secrety.Private COntroversies, Vol. 1, Connecticut State Library"He was made freeman by the General Court, May 21, 1657. He wasappointed chimney-viewer in 1662, 1665, and 1671; and in thetown votes under date of December 29, 1676, we find thefollowing:"The townsmen agreed with Wm Goodwin to sweep the meeting house,and ring the Bell Sabbaths and public meetings of the Town orSide and at nine of the Clock at night for which he is to haveseven pounds per annum. He is also to dig graves and warnpublick meetings as the Townsmen shall appoint for which heshall be paid as Robert Sanford was."Unfortunately for the antiquarian, his record of four hundredand twenty burials is not in extstence.