Sgt. John owned a lot of land and property as noted in the manydeeds and bequests of land granted him. Theoldest record book inSimsbury, called the Red Book, notes thaton 9 Jan 1693, land wasdeeded to John, on the east side of theriver toward Weatogue,which was the home site of his father.On the 25th of Feb 1683,he received land west of this lot, andon the 16 Dec 1685, hereceived 6 or 7 acres at 'hoppe brook'.On the 20th of Dec 1693,a strip of land about 20 acres alongthe side of his property wasdeeded to him by the inhabitants ofSimsbury. John was named'vence viewer', 22 Nov, 1682 and in1684, along with John Mosesand again named to this post1694/95. In 1685 Joshua Holcomb andJohn Slater with JohnHumphrey were named to 'run the townbounds'. His estate wasassessed at his death at 24.5 pounds,with 15 acres of land,cattle, corn, 3 guns, pistol and holbard,which was inventoried14 Jan 1697/98 by his son John II and hisbrother Lt. SamuelHumphrey. Hartford Probate: VI p.12, pp 31,32and SimsburyRecords Vol II. p 48.