He married Rachel Stevens of Amesbury, MA, probably daughter ofSamuel Stevens and Rachel Heath. Nathan and Rachel had fivechildren, including: David, Stephen, Lydia, Sarah and Amos.After Rachel died, Stephen married Sarah Baker, born January 25,1721, daughter of William Baker and Elizabeth Heard ofSalisbury, MA, and widow of Daniel Clough of Kingston. Theylived in Candia and later removed to Hollis where they remainedfor a few years and Stephen was a selectman. He bought propertyrights in Plymouth, NH and removed there in 1765. He was ateacher in the early schools of the settlement. Stephen andSarah had two children, including Daniel, and Rachel ourforemother, born January 15, 1759. Rachel married Paul Wells(see Wells). They had a daughter Polly, who married JosephClifford (see Clifford). Polly and Joseph had a daughter,Alvira who married Jonathan Badger (see Badger)..Source: History of Plymouth, New Hampshire, (Volume I.Narrative - Volume II. Genealogies). Vol. II by Ezra S.Stearns, A.M., Member of New Hampshire Historical, New EnglandHistoric Genealogical and American Antiquarian Societies.Printed for the town by The University Press, Cambridge, MA.,1906. P. 704, Webster.